Sentences with phrase «neutral position like»

But when you are a beginner trying to learn hip drive, it is much easier to keep your head in a neutral position like I talked about in the previous section.
Inner core and lower back muscles support spine and are directly responsible for keeping it in neutral position like a natural safety belt.

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She added, «We give exercises like planks to maintain a neutral position and really activate the muscles to support that neutral position and improve it.»
Therefore, exercises like sit - ups or back extensions that move the core away from a neutral spine position should be de-semphasized.
Front squat: Keep the dumbbells in shoulder press neutral position with arms flexed at 90 degree, like resting on your soulders.
Neutral means not arched backwards like a swan dive and not curled forward like the fetal position, in fact, if you stand with good posture that is the correct back position.
Your back is not arched backward like a banana nor are you curled into a fetal ball — your back is in the neutral position.
My 2018 goal is to practice my barefoot Grok Squat daily so that I can keep my feet in a relatively neutral position and my chest lifted, and I'd like to work up to being able to hold this for ten minutes.
But I do like the inverted position, so try to position yourself on a workout bench so your head is lower than your hips, but your spine is in neutral and you can work some crunches in this position.
Like the push ups gravity will be pulling your spine into an arched position so you will need to uses your Abs and core to maintain neutral spine.
Dr Quinn Henoch has written at length about how the most stable and safe position for the spine during compound lifts like the squat and deadlift is neutral and braced.
Then, if you're like many people, you'll have to DROP YOUR LOWER RIBS in order to be in a «neutral ribs over neutral pelvis» position.
Either wear strong colours or, if like me you prefer wearing neutral or darker colours, position yourself in front of some interesting colourful backgrounds.
Only 25 % of the public like the idea, while 59 % oppose it, the remainder taking a neutral position.
Posted on March 1, 2017 · The whole scenario has prompted business groups that stayed neutral in the November election to take a position, like the Greater Houston Partnership.
I was a bit annoyed by the shifter, which is a puck - shaped lump on the center stack that, like the shifter on the Prius, returns to a neutral position after each change in mode and features a dedicated «P» button for parking the vehicle.
History shows that REIT share prices have often increased during periods like the present one when the Federal Reserve shifts from a stimulative policy stance to a neutral position.
For some dogs, like huskies, a neutral position is still fairly high, above the line of the spine.
Yet for other dogs, like greyhounds or Rhodesian ridgebacks, a neutral position looks somewhat tucked under.
This result indicates, since the GMT record begun, the GMT behaved like a stable pendulum with the two GMT boundary lines that are 0.5 deg C apart as the end points of the pendulum's swings, and the long - term global warming trend line of 0.06 deg C per decade as the pendulum's neutral position.
The correct interpretation is that the global mean temperature (GMT), for the last 130 years, from 1880 to 2010, has oscillated like a pendulum between the upper and lower GMT boundary lines, with the global warming trend line as the neutral position of the pendulum, as shown in the following graph.
And in the battle to fix some of these enduring problems — like languishing cases with 47 experts per case — silence isn't a neutral position.
History shows that REIT share prices have often increased during periods like the present one when the Federal Reserve shifts from a stimulative policy stance to a neutral position.
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