Sentences with phrase «neutral position of»

The correct interpretation is that the global mean temperature (GMT), for the last 130 years, from 1880 to 2010, has oscillated like a pendulum between the upper and lower GMT boundary lines, with the global warming trend line as the neutral position of the pendulum, as shown in the following graph.
Simulataneously raise your left leg, still fully extended, and right arm and chest off the ground about 6 inches (15 cm) or until you can no longer maintain a neutral position of your lower back.
You can perform external rotation from many positions but the main 2 positions are the neutral position of the shoulder and the abducted (shoulder raised to 90 degrees) position.
The movements of flexion, rotation, and extension are kept in check by maintaining the braced neutral position of the spine during an anti-pattern exercise.
Whilst you are performing the Glute bridge exercise, don't stop contracting your abs and avoid pushing your hips too high, which will result in the neutral position of your hips and back becoming compromised.
When the core is stable and strong and athletes have a more neutral position of the pelvis and spine, then the forces are redistributed throughout many of the lumbar segments of the spine resulting in a healthy and high - performing athlete.
With your hips facing forward, see if you can gently lengthen the tailbone down towards the mat to find a neutral positioning of the pelvis.

Not exact matches

The key to sailing through the current political uncertainty is to move to a «neutral» position on equities, bonds and cash, said the CEO of Longview Economics.
So when you sit back down, think of how you need to support your body to maintain a neutral position.
In «neutral» mode, we can be positioned either long or short, but position size of all new trade entries will be lighter than usual, in order to reduce risk.
As we entered into neutral mode on October 5, we began exiting all long positions in individual stocks and started focusing primarily on swing trading ETFs with a low correlation to the direction of the overall stock market (ie.
That's why we hold over 200 individual investment positions in Strategic Growth, why we diversify across industries, why I left complete put option coverage underneath the Fund's portfolio even in response to a favorable shift in our measures of market action two weeks ago (now neutral), why the dollar value of our shorts never materially exceeds our long holdings, and why even in the most favorable conditions, the Fund can establish leverage only by investing a small percentage of assets in call options (never on margin).
While we would agree that current stock valuation levels in the US are somewhere between the upper end of fair value and expensive, we maintain a neutral weight position.
A reading of 0 would indicate a neutral position.
With our market timing system presently in «neutral» mode, for example, average share size for any new trade entered in our newsletter is presently reduced to 25 % -50 % of full position size.
Supplier commitments have come down significantly over the three - month period, and a combination of reorganization efforts as well as an aggressive decline in its handset manufacturing capacities may leave BlackBerry closer to a cash flow neutral position (after restructuring) than many expect.
Composite Treasuries Sentiment: Taking a broader view of bond market sentiment (our composite bond market sentiment indicator combines the signal from futures positioning, fund flows, implied volatility, and global bond market breadth), it's readily apparent that bond market sentiment has seen a reset from relatively stretched bearishness to just on the bullish side of neutral (i.e. the indicator is saying participants have gone from expecting higher bond yields to expecting lower bond yields).
One way to talk about 2017 positioning in more concrete terms than just more or less is to start with a basic or neutral portfolio set up to meet specific needs and preferences of a hypothetical investor.
No such authentic relationship can arise out of the positing of some new neutral position that will allow both sides to transcend restrictive and commonly resented traditions.
When your country is at war, as a citizen of that country, there is NO NEUTRAL position.
The majority opinion, issued by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, said that Hastings College of the Law's «all comers» policy, which required all groups to open all positions to all students, «is a reasonable, viewpoint - neutral condition on access to the student - organization forum.»
Advocates of this position claim that their argument is religiously neutral and does not violate the nonestablishment clause of the U.S. Constitution.
He refuses to see atheism as the neutral default position of man because he has misspent his life chasing the coat tails of pedofiles and embezzlers and to admit now that he was wrong would just be too hard for him to bear, so he's going to ride out the wave of bullshlt and see just how far it takes him...
A rather neutral way of expressing the Whiteheadian position would be to say that the society of extensive connection, as realized up to now, so dominates the conditions of all future becoming that any actual occasion which might ever enjoy concrescence would have to be related to all other occasions extensively.
In my own review of Hirsch, I expressed strong doubts that Dewey would have cheered him on, given that he misrepresents Dewey's position as «content - neutral» and that his proposals for cultural literacy are as elitist and culture - bound as those of Bloom.
He himself finds it in a «federalist» position that is eerily reminiscent of Dworkin's (or Nozick's) neutral state.
Scientific method, though, can not reconcile itself to teleological perspectives and, therefore, must reject any such facile covenants of man with a world that is alien to his longings for ultimate meaning.2 Monod's position is reminiscent of innumerable others that see the reading of purpose into nature as analogous to our subjectively superimposing colorful secondary qualities onto starkly colorless «objective» and neutral primary qualities.
Therefore, I'm not offended of someone insulting my religion, I'm arguing from a neutral position.
The only thing we heard in all nine wards in our stake is that the Church is politically neutral, does not endorse candidates, and each member of the church has a responsibility to study the issues, the candidates, and their positions and vote for those who will be represent them.
In 1994, I sent Hartshorne a draft of my Introduction to Philosophy text, Change and the Unsurpassable, which evaluates philosophical issues from a process position but also contains material on prepatriarchal worldviews and uses gender - neutral expressions.
As a contemporary commentator noted as early as 1865, Mill's anti-Hamiltonian view of feeling as a neutral stuff prior to the correlation of Ego and Non-Ego, and his confession that the continuity of feeling, though as real as the sequence, was a «final inexplicability» 4 — both positions impelled British philosophy in the direction of some kind of original unity.5 To this end, Bradley will conflate the «feeling» of Hegel and of Mill in order to transform it from a psychological into a metaphysical category that can accomplish the reconciliation of nature and spirit.
The neutral - zone trap that has been the foundation of defense in the 1990s is rooted in angles and positioning, not wipeouts.
We must learn from our mistakes but it's a shame with the way we are reacting.How many of you would put your money on AC Milan beating Bayern in the UCL if they lost 6 - 0 today.As far as am concerned from a neutral point of view I expected both Bayern and Chelsea to beat Arsenal.It's shocking our defeat has come as shock.Players are being played out of position and the teams we've played used far more stronger squads.
A national study of 400 American paediatricians and obstetricians indicated that two - thirds of physicians took a neutral position on circumcision when advising parents [70].
Her head should be in a neutral position, not bent forward or back, and resting comfortably in the crook of your arm.
Beginning with your HAVA or SlingEZee in the neutral position, with the rings a bit higher than corsage position, take the bottom railing and pull it around the front of your body just below your breast.
Increasingly in our media, in our politics, in public discourse, in education we treat the absence of god and the absence of the belief in god as the centre ground, the assumed default position, the neutral state.
Many of the seats that did make our top 50 would never be there in a neutral political year or if the Republican incumbents had paid adequate attention to their constituents and political positioning over the last few cycles.
They both carried a plaque, you may recall, with an image of a man and a woman, the hyperfine transition of neutral hydrogen, the position of the earth and solar system, and some other info of possible interest of the lawyers for any intelligent beings whose house the things may slam into some distant day.
But the board rejected calls to oppose construction of the telescope outright, saying it wanted to retain a more neutral position in continuing negotiations over the TMT's fate.
He made similar comparative arrangements using the Photoshopped images, so that, for instance, one room held a gallery of images showing grimacing rats with blurred bodies, whereas the other compartment showed rats in the neutral position.
Shuttling voltage from one device to the other can shift the position of the whole assembly back and forth; activating both devices makes the assembly rigid at a neutral point.
First, Nakashima and his colleagues photographed three laboratory rats as they sat in what he calls a «neutral» position — a kind of normal, everyday, unruffled rat pose.
Even though the sensor can not pinpoint the position of the charge — and therefore the wire — it can detect how far the charge is from a neutral, «unplucked» position.
The NGF molecule has a marked predominance of positively charged amino acids and has a net positive charge at neutral pH. In addition the folded polypeptide chain is stabilized by three covalent sulfur - sulfur bridges between units of the amino acid cysteine at different positions along the chain.
p.Tyr89Cys is an aromatic polar neutral to polar neutral amino acid substitution, at a highly conserved position and lies within the functionally important ETS - domain of the protein.
Because not everyone is comfortable resting on the front side of the body, a 10 - pound sandbag can be placed across the back of the pelvis and another one across the upper back thighs to settle the pelvis into a neutral position.
To get the most out of this exercise, keep your hands under your armpits and be sure to keep your gaze down so that your neck stays in a neutral position.
I'd start each session in a straight - arm plank and run through a mental checklist of Zetlin's tips: Find a neutral spinal position — so shoulder blades align with upper back and glutes.
Now, according to research, because of the angle and orientation of the upper fibers of the trapezius muscle, it is almost impossible for this muscle to produce any significant elevation of the shoulder blades when the arm is in a neutral position.
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