Sentences with phrase «neutral standing position»

The third phase of the deadlift is simply holding the weight for a few seconds near the pelvic region or pushing it up towards the chest while maintaining a neutral standing position.
Proper form requires a hip drive to rapidly swing the Steel Bell from between your legs as you seek to assume a completely neutral standing position.
Extend your arms all the way to the ceiling, and then return them to neutral standing position.

Not exact matches

It is atheists who stand in a neutral position, not claiming anything.
This does not justify someone claiming to stand outside all the relative positions and to be able to establish a neutral, objective norm over all.
Keep your spine neutral at all times and your core engaged as you use your quads, glutes and hamstrings to swing the kettlebell forward and return to standing position.
Next, engage your left thigh and push off your right leg, coming back to a neutral, standing position (d).
«If you find that you can't sit or stand comfortably in a neutral position (with good posture) for more than five to 10 minutes, it's very likely that you have poor core stability as well,» says Smith.
Aim to keep your feet in their neutral position as you stand, walk, and even when you sit.
Standing tall without pushing the chest out or pinching the shoulder blades together, no lumbar extension, and the shoulders in a neutral, «packed down» position.
Neutral means not arched backwards like a swan dive and not curled forward like the fetal position, in fact, if you stand with good posture that is the correct back position.
Stand to the side of a bench and place your hands on either side of its width, keeping your spine in a neutral position and your shoulders back.
Step 4: Maintain neutral spinal alignment as you drive your hips forward and feet down to a tall standing position to initiate the Steel Club swinging forward.
Remembering to stand tall and proud will lift your chest and help to extend your lower spine, putting you in a position closer to neutral spine with your tail bone lifted.
STARTING POSITION (SETUP): Stand facing the machine and hold the handles with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width, or if the machine allows, with the palms facing each other (neutral grip).
Resistance Band Exercises for the Rotator Cuff Neutral Shoulder Position: Standing External Rotation Abducted Shoulder Position: Standing External Rotation
Game Guidelines: Try to keep the spine as neutral as possible when leaning forward from the supporting ankle and returning to a standing position.
Position: Stand tall and neutral (ears over shoulders, over hips, over knees, over ankles, chest lifted and arms relaxed at your side).
We are meant to walk and stand in the neutral spine position.
Just stand in neutral position for five minutes.
Choosing a neutral backdrop ensures the mirror stands out, while positioning it near the window allows light to bounce back into the room.
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