Sentences with phrase «never feel vulnerable»

It tells us to manipulate our environments so we never feel vulnerable, needy or uncertain.

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Unless you are a deep, personal friend of someone's and feel called to to enter into a deep, vulnerable conversation with them, never say this, even if you've heard them joke about it from time to time.
But in this case, in this essay, I really walked through what I felt like was a bit of a vulnerable discussion of my struggle with the concept: What I am prepared to say I think I understand and what I am prepared to say I will never understand.
At times it's made me feel uncomfortably vulnerable too, but I'm learning to see that as a passing feeling and instead just be grateful for the opportunities we have — I definitely believe that if you don't put yourself out there and challenge yourself to move out of your comfort zone everyday, you'll never get to where you want to be.
I've never felt more betrayed in my life — especially at a time when I was so very vulnerable.
I believe no woman should ever have to birth alone, feeling unsupported or unloved, and should never have anyone else's agenda brought into their most vulnerable space, be it hospital policy, Doc preferences, mothers in - law, etc..
The discourses describing consumer experiences of maternity care in public and private hospitals: «next please, feeling depersonalised in the queue»; «feeling vulnerable in the care of a parade of strangers»; «expected to place blind trust in those who know nothing about me and still feel safe» captures the consumer experience of a fragmented maternity service care and subsequent distress associated with finding themselves in territory they never dreamed possible [45].
I never once felt vulnerable..
I think it it every mom's business what she ends up doing, and I would never want to make a formula - feeding mom feel bad, but I'm very vocal about disliking formula - making companies who are using unethical, sneaky tactics towards moms who are struggling with breastfeeding and vulnerable.
Without safety, you'll never feel true love, because you'll never feel comfy being vulnerable enough to reveal your true self — thereby experiencing true intimacy.
It's a (sometimes, never - ending) challenge to align your life fully with someone else, to allow yourself to feel vulnerable, freely known, and understood.
For a classic narcissist, emotional vulnerability is akin to weakness, meaning that they suppress it in themselves and make their partners feel needy for not doing the same.6 Yet, dating a narcissist shows you that this sort of thinking is a roadblock for relationship progression: if you can't be vulnerable with someone (and accept their vulnerabilities in turn), you can never achieve emotional intimacy and the trust, love, and security that come with it.
Part of me wondered if and when the other shoe was going to drop, but I never really felt they were that vulnerable (even when it turned out that they were).
Although many of us love the challenge, we're all vulnerable to that «never good enough» feeling.
It's a well - balanced blend of feeling immensely powerful — a feeling only emphasised by how your enemies grow more and more terrified as their comrades disappear, flinching at the merest sound and firing madly into the darkness — while at the same time remaining vulnerable to gunfire so as to make sure you never get too cocky.
The Hold Me Tight conversation removed the fear from the underlying soft feelings of affection, care, and love from each of us, and we were able to sit, comfortably, without fear, in complete security knowing that our love is unshakable, as long as we break through «The Nothing» (the name of our demon dialogue / cycle — a reference to The Nothing in the Never Ending Story) and are vulnerable with each other.
«One of the most meaningful experiences of our relationship» «Never in my life have I felt more open, vulnerable and connected with anyone «Type your paragraph here.
None of us want to feel negative or uneasy feelings, such as not feeling good enough, doubts about the future of the relationship, hurt over being blamed, etc., so we protect these vulnerable parts of ourselves, hoping to never be hurt again.
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