Sentences with phrase «never harm his children»

Dollar said in a statement he would never harm his children and that the facts in the case would be handled privately.
This may include statements by your family members, co-workers, friends, or neighbors — anyone who can vouch that you are a loving parent and would never harm your children.
Almost all dogs will never harm a child, so I don't want you to get paranoid about it.
«The experts testifying on behalf of each of the parties noted, on the other hand, that the new wife had never harmed the children, and that the young man's weight loss stemmed either from a severe case of parental alienation (in the view of one expert), or from «anxiety related issues» (in the view of the other).»

Not exact matches

Evil persecutes God and his followers... but can not harm any of God's children or God who is existence - only when evil perverts them individuals or confused them individuals by deceit can then harm mankind when the individual departs from the side of the lord our Heavenly God... San Peter denied Jesus one's or twice but never God himself... not once...
Sixty - year - old white men in prison who've never harmed anybody, would never touch a child
God would never allow «HIS PRIESTS» to do any harm to any of «HIS CHILDREN
Most people love their children and would never harm them like your harmed you.
First of all it should be noted that one should never harm the consciences of children in going against Church teaching merely to obey the law: «Our fathers chained in prisons dark were still in heart and conscience free» and better to be thus than to be applauded by the Local Authority advisers and teach what is wrong.
The potential harm is so enormous that I, at least, would never trust such a man with my child.
And how much Jesus loved children and would never consider harming one.
Never take more than the recommended amount of Zyrtec in a day or you may risk causing some harm to yourself or your child.
Never has there been a better way to stay with your child throughout the night without worrying about causing harm.
Although she says she never considered harming her children, she acknowledged that women do sometimes have these painful feelings and believes that postpartum depression is something that should be discussed.
It was the ONLY thing I could think of to console him... and I never tried a stroller because The AP Book so encouraged babywearing... and I stuck fast to believing that was the only way, and if I considered a stroller it'd bust up my identity factor (and god forbid I'd harm my child by not wearing him!!!
Never resort to punishments that emotionally or physically harm your child.
We make a commitment to helping children be their best selves, and above all, we do the best we can to make sure that we never use our positions of authority to harm anyone»
I have never heard of an incident when a child was harmed from bed sharing when the parents followed safety precautions (not doing it they smoked, drank, sleep heavily, etc).
Even if an abuser never lays hands on them, children who witness domestic abuse often face long - term psychological harm as a result.
He exists to kill men who would harm children, but Joe never sees his actions as noble in any way.
Of course she won't, she'll just cough politely and say that the coasting grade was never meant for Free / Academy Schools, just those woeful LA schools that are doing so much harm to our children and young people.......
Kai never seemed to accept responsibility for any of her actions that harmed her children.
I myself have 2 pits, never ONCE have they ever harmed anyone, been around A LOT of children too.
However, they do love children and get along with other pets when introduced to them correctly, they are also great watch dogs, barking loudly when someone enters their territory, but never harming them.
A Lab will never intentionally harm a member of the family but since they are known for getting riled up they may accidentally be too much for some children to handle.
Most adults would never dream of harming the children in their care.
These arthropods, which have two legs up on insects, don't fuss me much — I was taught as a child never to harm a spider — something about bad luck — and so those that do cosy up to me usually get taken outside with some care.
The dimension of behaviour controls, more - over, never merely applied to child discipline, it always also encompassed adult behaviour (e.g. the limits set by the family on their explosive or physically dangerous behaviour such as deliberate self - harm or reckless or drunken driving).
Backlogged courts, bloated legal fees, and scores of unsatisfied litigants should inspire spouses considering divorce to remember the Ben and Jen approach: Pass on aggressive legal representation in court, and instead, enter divorce mediation, where you can still receive legal advice, but have a healthier divorce, protect your children from emotional harm, and ensure that you never step foot in a courtroom.
A divorce can be settled fairly and with grace, instead of being a never - ending battle that ends up harming the well - being of both you, your ex-partner, and your children.
Further, while some offer nebulous statements that modifications are necessary, seldom are specific changes mentioned and, almost never, are criticisms raised, even when it's clear a «Family» Court is directly harming tens of thousands of children.
Every mental health expert agrees that continued animosity and conflict between the parents in divorce renders harm to the children from which they never recover.
With a few tips about how to prepare for divorce mediation you will be ready to accomplish your goals of keeping conflict low, reducing stress, saving 80 - 90 % of costs on legal fees, maintaining your privacy, and protecting your children from the harm caused by a divorce war — not to mention never setting foot in a courtroom.
Never knowing if the child is ill or has any health issues anything to harm the child from being a productive citizen one day is determental to the child is unacceptable.
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