Sentences with phrase «never made it off»

Artist William Stout offers a look at illustrations he created in the 1990s for a «Jurassic Park» animated series that never made it off the ground.
Several other cars stuck in traffic never made it off the freeway that day.

Not exact matches

And when we collectively move on, the people who create a lot of the content touting this technology never take a moment to reflect on our collective obsession with technology and whether any of it is actually making human beings happier, healthier, smarter, or better off.
All this is before a business can even begin to find customers to start paying off all its debt, never mind start making a profit.
«In the U.S., this never would have made it off the launching pad,» says a former employee.
«Yelp has never done this and individuals making such claims are either misinformed, or more typically, have an axe to grind — whether businesses upset that Yelp will not remove reviews they don't like, or unscrupulous internet marketing «experts» trying to make a buck off of honest business owners with dubious reputation management schemes.»
If he would have stood and walked, we would have never made it to the door before that item was taken off the cost.
They'll make sure you never have to scrub another salt stain off your wingtips.
«I'm never going to say that we're never going to get off of [Oracle], but there's an investment that we made years ago,» Comstock said.
I believe that the best leaders never waste a good crisis because it affords you the chance to make the kind of large wholesale changes you organization needs that you've also been putting off for too long.
«Our mentor told us, specifically because of our attire, that we had come off as being unpolished and had made a terrible impression on the middle - aged investor who, as it turned out, never followed up.»
Instagram, a start - up which had existed for a mere 551 days, which had never made a cent in revenue, and which employed just a dozen people, had pulled off one of the most impressive exits in recent memory.
I wasn't afraid to make cold calls to help our business take off, and he never wanted to make a single sales call.
You might make your quota, but you've also likely turned off a percentage of people who will never return to learn more about your company or your product.
'' [We make sure] it's never off,» said Young.
In January, the swingin» captain of the Costa Concordia, obviously frustrated that he never made it as... whatever the cool job is for boat captains, decided to show off his stunt driving ability, crashing into a reef and sinking his craft before abandoning ship.
«Neither of us are over-spenders,» Danny says, «so we never felt compelled to make a budget in school... but we also weren't thinking ahead about paying off our student loans.
If you only have one product or service, your business is almost certainly not a viable business, but more like a hobby or avocation: You may make sales and get paid, but you will never grow very large or become very profitable, much less make a living off selling that one product or service.
If not for the «invaluable advice and guidance» from Branson's business mentor — the bullish founder of Laker Airways, one of the first no - frills long - haul airlines — the self - made British billionaire might never have gotten Virgin Atlantic off the ground.
I want him to feel like I'm the person next door that can say, «Hey, can you help me really quick,»» she added, «I try to stay away from all the things that make people turn off from MLM, and because we were able to do that, we became really accessible to a lot of people that would have never said yes to it.»
The hours paid off: «I went from never making more than $ 20,000 a year before I graduated in 2013, to making six figures in one year.
I always had the dangling carrot of putting money in term deposits, but could never make up my mind expecting the inflation to take off in a big way.
Local media grossly estimates that the attacker made off with billions of won in cryptocurrency, but Bithumb never confirmed the exact amount of stolen funds.
But I know enough to know that daily decisions / trade - offs are made by technology coders who have never spent a day with their customers.
First off, you'll never have excellent credit if you're not making on - time payments on your existing credit.
If you make it even the slightest more difficult your customer may get turned off and never visit again.
Your boss accidentally breaks her hip at age 65 and never makes it back to work, or your co-worker receives a terminal cancer diagnosis and takes time off until, well, you know how that ends.
You caught me off - guard and your post made me realize one can never become intellectually lazy.
Islam and or Muslims are not to be afraid off it is the Fear of the unknown that is the weakness of us humans is kept us in our shells until and unless we have an open heart and open mind we will never be able to find the Truth, The Truth that will give us Peace and make us love each other in solving the problems of this short temporary life, As a matter of fact all the Prophets brought in one and same message check the following link.
You say you will never see if you don't take your hands off your eyes and yet refuse to look at the world from any other perspective than your own Hebrew God derived universe and you will make or accept any excuse that allows you to keep believing you are right.
The biggest thing that I had to deal with was not feeling like God was mad at me every time I made any kind of a little mistake, because in the home that I grew up in you just never knew what was going to set my dad off.
As for your seriously off base torture comparison, if we saw a drastic increase in violent crimes, and there was a public outcry for harsher punishments to try and serve as a deterrent, and the Bill was drafted, made open to the public, and the solid majority of the population didn't turn against it with protests, signatures, and contacting their representatives; maybe a torture law could make it (though it would never get past the Supreme Court as the Consttution is now, but we'll let that slide as a hypothetical).
First - off numbnuts, being an atheist is not a religion, we do not claim to be all knowing (actually just the opposite), never once claimed to be all powerful but the reasoning part is the bane of our debates because the religious are not reasoning, they are being emotional and make baseless claims.
If you can do that, I will fling off my religion with the air of one loosed from prison... just make sense when you answer, do nt give me any of this: «It just happens to be here» crap... that will never explain the design of life itself... Ok, I await your response...
In addition, as a parent I know that no matter how much my children tick me off, I could never write them off, so if, as the bible says, we are made in God's image, I don't think he (or she) could either.
This answer is not implied in the statement of the question, as it might seem to be, for God's relation to man as the eternal Thou which never becomes an It does not make any the less real the «silence» or «eclipse» of God when He appears to hide Himself and we cut ourselves off from relation with Him.
I never think of you as making money off your cartoons — it is more an avocation and work of love.
The nights in winter were never so long, nor was the summer so hot, as to make him leave off this exercise.
The fact that some of the leadership and founders of these companies are Christian should not turn anyone off or make them vow to never do business with them.
Augustine never quite brings his view of sexual love within the range of his deepest insight as to what loving another in God means: turning the whole current of love for self and neighbour into the channel of the love of God «which suffers no stream to be drawn off from itself by whose diversion its own volume would be diminished».19 To turn the human loves into the stream of devotion to God is one thing, to set devotion to God apart as one kind of love which makes others inferior is another.
We will never find authenticity until we leave off all our man - made versions of CHURCH.
But we did cut ourselves off from it deliberately in those remarks which you remember we made, in our first lecture, about the empirical method; and it must be confessed that after that act of renunciation we can never hope for clean - cut and scholastic results.
If you did, instead of criticizing and making extremely harsh statements about a person that has never taken a penny from his the Church but make all of his personal money off of his books and then gives back a very large percentage of that money to the Church.
the only reason why its not legal is because once it was made illegal it was never taken off the list — that is it!
So, before they take off and possibly never see me again, I want to make sure that if they walk away with anything, that it's not me trying to start a friendship, nor trying to explain the sin problem, but instead making clear to them how they can have eternal life as a free gift by just believing in Him for it.
Like Frost's poem, The Oven Bird, I sense fall is never too far off and so, I must make (and gather) hay.
Obviously this method requires a little more supervision than the cover - and - steam method, but in my opinion it more than makes up for that by giving you complete control over the process — you'll never again take the lid off your pot of rice and find yourself surprised that it's under - or overcooked.
Never ever would've guessed there was avocado in there, but hey if it can make chocolate pudding then it can totally pull off easy raw tomato sauce too!
I never knew just how amazing real, true Swedish meatballs could be — made these and they absolutely knocked my socks off!
The perfect dessert to knock your guests socks off, they'll never guess how easy they actually are to make...
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