Sentences with phrase «never organized a play»

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In Allen's play Death, a central character is cajoled into joining a search party for a killer on the loose but never sees any organized method employed and is never sure of his role in the search.
In the U.S. more than 10 million children under the age of 16 play organized sports, coached or otherwise supervised by more than a million adults, many of them unscreened male volunteers — which is to say, men on whom background checks have never been done.
At the time, he had never played organized football and the Spartans were just another small school football program dwarfed by surrounding Bay Area powers.
For some people, choosing which sports to pursue throughout high school is hard because they have never really played an organized sport before and aren't sure what they'll most enjoy.
«As a member of the County Board I will never forget the role organized labor plays in strengthening our community.»
Faced with the issue that safe and structured play was never modeled for students, two years ago the staff of Ohrenberger Elementary in Boston, Massachusetts, turned to Playworks to implement effective organized and team play.
Playing the game of credit card churning is only a good idea if you have excellent credit (730 or higher), you pay off your credit card balances monthly, never miss a payment, and are organized enough to keep track of annual card renewal dates.
Just yesterday, The Cushman School in Miami, Florida, organized a «Violent Video Game Toss» campaign where students reportedly handed over games deemed violent and even signed a pledge to never play this kind of games again.
, I never did get to play proper organized hockey, with ice skates and real hockey equipment.
I do start trying to organize but never seen to finish after cooking, cleaning, bathing, playing and maybe taking a few minutes for myself.
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