Sentences with phrase «never think of themselves»

You will never think of macarons as institutional fare after you taste these elegant and easy treats, close cousins of the amaretto cookies, and distinct from the often institutional coconut - based macaroons.
I used to freeze them for smoothies in the summer, I should do that again but never think of smoothies when it's cold.
I love getting friends together for a Halloween potluck (sans costumes since I can NEVER think of a good costume).
And then there is the ricotta, mmmm yum,... I'll never think of toast the same way again!
I will never think of celeriac the same way again.
Why did I never think of this before?!
I was sure to rub it in all of their faces that the girl caught the fish;) Love these burgers, Gayle, I never think of fish burgers!
Never think of worship as instruction.
I never think of that endeavor to rid God of responsibility for evil by believing in a bad anti-God, without recalling the primitive tribe which one of our missionaries found in Africa.
The Church will never think of itself as an institution that is there to preserve traditions of the past, but as a creative agency that is literally designed by God to usher in His future.
A Father asked him one day if he were never troubled by the thought of his family, to which, «I never think of them except when praying for them,» was his only answer.
And unless a great care is taken, this will create confusion and bring discouragement and heaviness of heart... The «layman» need never think of his humbler task as being inferior to that of his minister.
The unfortunate truth for you though is that I can walk away from this discussion and live my content, happy and well - adjusted life and never think of you again.
It has always seemed odd to me that whereas we are often ready to examine ourselves for what we have done or are, we almost never think of examining our lives to see what God has done in them and for us.
In an improving state of the human mind, the influences are constantly on the increase which tend to generate in each individual a feeling of unity with all the rest; which, if perfect, would make him never think of, or desire, any beneficial condition for himself in the benefits of which they are not included.
Indeed, the story includes the history and many of us never think of the history except in the context which the story provides.
Surely we can never think of Christian teaching about faith and morals, or about anything else, as a kind of closed enterprise, at the end of which the job is done and we have finally got our people «fixed» where we should like them to be.
We blame Sunday morning sports and never think of putting on a schedule people can work with.
To walk in God's favor is to never think of yourself as being so «righteous» that you are above being reminded that He is ALWAYS in control, and if you lose sight of His grace and mercy; then you have truly lost sight of God.
If you look at statistics, the vast majority of pedophiles are men, yet the Catholic Church would never think of allowing women to be priests — even with the shortage of priests — never a woman!
Doesn't this make God more like an egotistical, petulant bully who wants to get his own way no matter what, and when someone crosses him in the least little way, he is going to smack them down so hard they never think of doing it again?
After all, does Germany plan to build a beer garden two blocks from Auschwitz - the Naszis were at fault for Auschwitz, not the Germans, certainly there are fewer Naszis left than al quaeda - No, the Germans would never think of doing something so offensive
And the Joseph thing, that we never think of him as a virgin (that it never occurs to of whether he would have been or not), shows how one - sided that paranoia is.
Peale's mantra «Never think of yourself as failing!»
I never think of you as making money off your cartoons — it is more an avocation and work of love.
I am a practicing Catholic and would never think of wearing my religion on my sleeve and kneeling in the middle of the side walk to say the Lord's Prayer.
Bigotry exists however, I have many evangelical friends and would never think of condemning all evangelicals for the behavior of a few or even of many.
But Jefferson did not much disagree when he wrote at the end of the war, «They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and will never think of uniting to effect a due respect for their rights.
They never think of themselves as «homosexual.»
The Church should never think of itself as possessing grace, but as participating in it, and that participation is above all dependence upon grace as forgiveness.
And He blots out the original sin for His own sake and will never think of it again (Isaiah 43:25), so the only thing on the record is everything good God did.
It is, however, a special problem, both because some people pray in sickness who never think of doing so at any other time and because it unites in a particular way all the other types of petition.
One reason you might never think of are the foster kids who age out of the system.
Stearns told me that while the dam and canal are now preserved as a national historic landmark, the Concord River is so polluted by manufacturing plants upstream at Sudbury that his children would never think of fishing, swimming or boating in it.
They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and will never think of uniting to effect a due respect for their rights.
I will never think of shoe boxes the same way again.
However, people never think of themselves as toxic.
A growing number of businesses, like Target, Sephora, Bath and Body Works, and Olive Garden deliver coupons via mobile devices in an effort to appeal to consumers, many of whom would never think of clipping or carrying coupons.
Wi - fi is one of those invisible, innocuous technologies we never think of, but it's also one that is becoming increasingly vital to our every - day lives.
I never think of my kids.
In other words, he or she finds work and offers ideas you might never think of on your own.
However, many of us would put up with the same things from friends or colleagues that we'd never think of tolerating from a romantic partner.
File this one under simple but powerful ideas most people never think of: «Draw all the things you need to do on a big piece of paper, and find out which things depend on other things.
«Too often people wait for perfection and you can never think of everything.
If you've never thought of inviting your parents into your office, perhaps you should.
Though his family struggled financially, Price never thought of his enterprise as a way to make money.
They're devising new, unimaginably brilliant gadgets, gizmos and apps that do two things: Make our lives easier and make us wonder why we never thought of such a simple idea in the first place (remember the Chia Pet?).
Go out and do what your teachers and parents thought could not be done — and what they never thought of doing.
Go out and do what your teachers and parents thought could not be done, and what they never thought of doing.
I've never thought of it as a date.
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