Sentences with phrase «never used any of those terms»

I have never used any of those terms to refer to anyone, let alone a fellow scientist.

Not exact matches

Fine explains, «as a former interior designer who never took a business course and didn't know what Ruby on Rails was a year ago, it's sometimes surreal when I hear words like «agile process» come out of my mouth, or the never ending string of VC and MBA terms that we now use to discuss the «health» of the business».
Troy says 5 years ago he had never heard of «venture capital» yet when I've seen him be interviewed before or even in our discussions he uses industry terms in technology and venture that display a sophisticated understanding of the way our industry works in a way that only a truly engaged and curious person could master in a short period of time.
The added slang includes adulting (describes acting like a grown up), «bye Felicia (a dismissive term used to bid someone farewell), cuck (a derogatory term for an inadequate man), Hey Girl (a reference to a Ryan Gosling meme), Netflix and chill (the act of watching Netflix with an expectation of sexual activity), and rickrolling (when you troll someone on the internet by linking to Rick Astley's hit song «Never Going to Give You Up»).
We did use it for many events, including a week long all - company get - together in 2013, but in terms of co-working we never came close to growing into it.
That is a misunderstanding that many people assign to atheism, but has never actually been a part of the words usage (even in ancient times, atheists were those without god, while other terms were used to refer to those that BELIEVED there was no gods).
Never mind that the Christian intellectual tradition is more than «Western» in the usual use of the term, and never mind that there is nothing more uniquely Western than the pattern of self - criticism that easily turns into self - denigration, it is true that Christianity is undeniably and foundationally entangled with the West, and that is enough, in the minds of many writers, to put it beyond the Never mind that the Christian intellectual tradition is more than «Western» in the usual use of the term, and never mind that there is nothing more uniquely Western than the pattern of self - criticism that easily turns into self - denigration, it is true that Christianity is undeniably and foundationally entangled with the West, and that is enough, in the minds of many writers, to put it beyond the never mind that there is nothing more uniquely Western than the pattern of self - criticism that easily turns into self - denigration, it is true that Christianity is undeniably and foundationally entangled with the West, and that is enough, in the minds of many writers, to put it beyond the pale.
The singularity is the term used for the beginning of the known universe... I have never heard it referred to as a «cause» in and of itself... nice try.
Let us never use the word «homosexual» in reference to a person, for it is a term that has become an epithet in the usage of those who are biased against persons of homosexual orientation.
I am reading your newest posts to your oldest.I have never been to bible school but I consider myself in the journey of education concerning the bible.more than any opinions that you have what concerns me most is how «brothers and sisters» through their comments responds to someone who thinks differently from what is perceived as absolutes (not sure if that's the right term) in scripture.I wonder did the apostle believe half the things that are seen as church doctirine today?how did the disciples who did not have the new testament or the ability to read follow Jesus?I appreciate your questioning.In my experience we are too quick to try and fix someone or use the scriptures as a control mechanism and to slow to practise empathy and love..
He never thought, after the Greek fashion, of soul as pure being, capable of disembodiment, but spoke, as his Jewish contemporaries did, of future life in terms of bodily resurrection, and on that basis he discussed life after death with the skeptical Sadducees, protesting only against the popular, contemporary ways of conceiving the raised body and its uses in the next world.
Interestingly, he used the terms «epochal occasion,» «event» and «droplets of existence,» but never «actual entity» or «eternal object,» suggesting that he still may have been working largely from Religion in the Making.
But he never used ethical terms around that issue of sex.
But here Wieman ignored such praise and spoke with scorn of this concept, arguing that any contribution such atomic events make to other atoms (he still had never used the term «actual entity») comes only after perishing.
Hauerwas remains ambivalent about the use of the term postliberalism («I've never really thought of myself as being positioned beyond liberalism,» he says), and he says he puts little stock in Lindbeck's theory of religion.
Voters who place cultural or moral concerns above economic self - interest are obviously beset by a form of false consciousness (Frank never uses the term, but his analysis presupposes it).
Speculative Postmodernism Although Whitehead never used the term «postmodern,» the way he spoke of the modern has a definite postmodern tone.
While sectarian accurately describes «relations between religious groups» and implies «an intolerance of opposing views,» there are two more common terms which are never used in our PC liberal media.
Although Whitehead never used the term «postmodern,» the way he spoke of the modern has a definite postmodern tone.
The term could be used of any type of gathering, whether social, political, or religious, and even of groups of people that never actually «gather.»
This doesn't mean you can't have a conversation about words and their power, but jumping on someone for their use of a non-PC term as they're talking is never helpful.
The only reason I use the term «believer» is because when I use the term «Christian» to describe my past, some Christians accuse me of never having been a «true» Christian.
I will no longer take the words of some 40 different writers with their different viewpoints, and human inconsistencies and stuff these words into the mouth of God, calling it «The Word Of God», a term which the Bible itself never uses to refer to itselof some 40 different writers with their different viewpoints, and human inconsistencies and stuff these words into the mouth of God, calling it «The Word Of God», a term which the Bible itself never uses to refer to itselof God, calling it «The Word Of God», a term which the Bible itself never uses to refer to itselOf God», a term which the Bible itself never uses to refer to itself.
Despite being labelled as «the queen of clean», I do not use that term to describe what I do and never will do.
I've never weighed the spinach for this recipe... I use the term «packed» here to describe full cups of spinach, that have been gently pressed down to reduce the air space between the leaves.
I'm sure I'm not alone here when I say my childhood love for thick and creamy shakes never died, and although my shakes are very different than the kind I used to eat in terms of ingredients, my creativity and love behind shakes and smoothies has only grown with time.
The Coombs Commitment: We make 100 % pure maple syrup with no artificial flavors, perservatives or dyes; We never over-tap trees; We support the use of health spouts for tree friendly tapping; We never use pesticides in our tree farm; Our grading standards are never compromised for short - term gain.
First of all we never used the term «Potty» it's common and I do mean that in the pejorative.
Kids got tired of hearing the term a long time ago and the medical record never complains when I smirk at opportunity to use it.
He used the position cannily, building a base in the party unencumbered by ministerial office, charting a course of what he would term «independent loyalty» — never dissing the leader, but voting against # 9k tuition fees and the bedroom tax — yet which critics inside the party label «ambitious expediency».
«No colleague should use the term «never again» until we meet the needs of the individuals who suffered so greatly that day and continue to suffer,» Crowley said.
That leads me to believe that either A) it's a political pseudo-accounting term which real accountants would shake their heads at, B) it's a real accounting term that has no practical value, so is almost never used, or C) it's a term borrowed from another branch of math / science that doesn't belong in accounting (like complex numbers).
Article 50 gives the country departing the EU two years to negotiate the terms of its withdrawal — and has never been used before.
«He set out an agenda at the beginning of his term, and he and I used to speak and talk and communicate, he never wavered, never second - guessed,» Mr. Adams said.
Because her options are «out of the money» (the term used when the exercise price is lower than the market price) she would never choose to exercise them.
Utilizing census counts, national health and tobacco use surveys, and published literature, Soneji's team calculated the expected years of life gained or lost from the impact of e-cigarette use on smoking cessation among current smokers, and transition to long - term cigarette smoking among never - smokers.
In terms of making the monoclonal line: I had never done it before and it worked the first time probably because I used a robust cell line.
«You have to be very careful if you're recommending long - term use of a brand new compound that's never been given to anyone.
The Coombs Commitment: We make 100 % pure maple syrup with no artificial flavors, perservatives or dyes; We never over-tap trees; We support the use of health spouts for tree friendly tapping; We never use pesticides in our tree farm; Our grading standards are never compromised for short - term gain.
(This is why you should never used commercial shampoos, because the chemicals in them will absorb directly into your scalp causing damage to the long term health of your hair.
However, there are plenty of studies on the Ketogenic Diet and there has never been any negative effects recorded from long - term use.
They are put on a medication (or buy one over the counter) that has never been studied for long - term use, and that population - based observational studies link to pathogenic overgrowth of bacteria, fracture, and nutrient deficiency.
They state in their Terms of Use that they never collect any credit card numbers and your name isn't going to be leaked either.
Never Get into the Habit of Using «Sugar Daddy» Never get into the habit of using the term «sugar daddy&raUsing «Sugar Daddy» Never get into the habit of using the term «sugar daddy&rausing the term «sugar daddy».
Ms yeo is part of singapore's swelling ranks of «singles» — a term used by statistics gatherers to define someone who has never married — who are aged 35 and older.
-- but the movie contains little in terms of traditional action, and Refn never uses it in a rousing or exciting manner, either.
These include frequent depictions of drinking (but never to drunkenness), an implied sexual relationship between the betrothed couple, portrayals of kissing, mild profanities and terms of deity used as expletives, as well as one crude sexual finger gesture.
Boris calls Veronika Squirrel, a term of endearment she insist he never stray from using.
Whether you're designing a new facility, or re-designing an existing one, we can never underestimate the impact that flooring can have in terms of design, sustainability and bio-friendliness and of course protecting those that use the facility.
Yet, in terms of formal educational credentials — the key variable that they use to benchmark teachers» wages against «comparable» workers — teacher quality has never been higher!
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