Sentences with phrase «new analysis approaches»

We also want to make it easy for computational researchers to develop and share new analysis approaches.

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Both Alexander and Dino will help source new investments and support our disciplined approach to investment and portfolio analysis for the Digital Growth funds.
Actually it is a mistake to be too analytical in one's approach and to assume that all new and fundamental laws come from logical analysis.
One can point to the emergence of a variety of critical approaches to religion in general, and to Christianity in particular, which have contributed to the breakdown of certainties: These include historical - critical and other new methods for the study of biblical texts, feminist criticism of Christian history and theology, Marxist analysis of the function of religious communities, black studies pointing to long - obscured realities, sociological and anthropological research in regard to cross-cultural religious life, and examinations of traditional teachings by non-Western scholars.
A postmodern approach to the New Testament witness to Jesus» resurrection, as it is developed by Marianne Sawicki in her book Seeing the Lord: Ressurrection and Early Christian Practices, [10] is more efficacious in enabling access to the reality of resurrection than any analysis of the biblical texts that is determined by a critical methodology founded on a Kantian epistemology.
In this section, I have been concerned to show that the genetic approach is not only contradicted by all relevant external evidence, but also employs an extremely dangerous interpretative strategy: dangerous to the piecemeal investigation of Whiteheadian doctrines; dangerous to the mind - set with which new interpretations of Whitehead's philosophy should be received and evaluated and dangerous because of the inherent circularity of its reasoning, to the integrity and validity of any compositional analysis conducted under the umbrella of its assumptions.
Sartre approached Being through Nothingness, an even more radical concept, and Heidegger found in a new analysis of Time his key to the grasp of Being.
Despite the opprobrium that Mr Blair's interventions draw from Labour's new model army, his analysis and political approach remains the only coherent argument coming from the left of centre and Labour's leadership appears to be out of step with the Party.
The 88 - page report, «An Analysis of the Impact of Single - Use Plastic Bags,» includes information on plastic bag solutions implemented around the world as well as potential approaches to combating the problem in New York state.
«A grant from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority helped fund the analysis and design necessary for the building to approach net zero energy capability in such a way that it can serve as a nationwide demonstration project.»
The Fiscal Policy Institute's 13th annual budget briefing: analysis of Governor George E. Pataki's Executive Budget and alternative approaches to balancing New York State's 2003 - 2004 budget.
The Fiscal Policy Institute's analysis of Governor George E. Pataki's Executive Budget and alternative approaches to balancing New York State's 2006 - 2007 budget.
This week brings a video reconstructed from images of the Philae lander's approach to a comet, and a major new analysis of data from the Cassini mission that bolsters the case for a global, not just local, ocean beneath the icy crust of Enceladus
Regulatory agencies should build their capacity to rapidly determine the type of risk - analysis approaches most appropriate for new products entering the regulatory system.
A new meta - analysis suggests farmers should take a hybrid approach to producing enough food for humans while preserving the environment
Dr Alice Samson from the University of Leicester School of Archaeology and Ancient History said: «Increasing use of interdisciplinary approaches and archaeometric analyses have provided new understandings of colonial processes that are more nuanced than mere oppression, domination and, in the case of the Caribbean, indigenous extinction.
Dr Dechant, who is also a member of the York Centre for Complex Systems Analysis, developed a unique combination of working with the Platonic root systems for applications in mathematical virology and an unusual Clifford algebraic approach, to lay the foundation for this fundamental new insight.
«Our results, and methods, could have implications for the analysis of endogenous and exogeneous compounds in the exhaled breath as biomarkers of systemic and lung diseases, as well as in development of new approaches to study human exposure to airborne contamination.»
New research led by Li Ding, Ph.D., of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, shows that current approaches to genome analysis systematically miss detecting a certain type of complex mutation in cancer patients» tumors.
A new study published in Risk Analysis: An International Journal shows that people's past experiences with tornadoes inform how they approach this type of extreme weather in the future, including their perception of the risk.
However, since the novel genes that were identified, are known to lead to aging - associated diseases in humans, their further analysis seems to be promising for developing new approaches to understand and possibly cure these diseases and to contribute to a long life and healthy aging in humans — in a way, long - lived rodents do.
This sort of analysis can be applied to many important chemical reactions, and we have only just begun to explore this exciting new approach to catalysis.»
Dartmouth Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (iQBS) researchers developed a new gene expression analysis approach for identifying cancer genes.
For example, potential essay topics might include: the applications of a scientific approach or a new technology to address specific human rights concerns; an analysis of synergies between human rights obligations and the social responsibilities of scientists, engineers and health professionals; or the ways in which full recognition of the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress may influence realization of other human rights.
The new estimate of mortality from windows, based on statistical analysis of 23 local studies, comes close to an old estimate (100 million to 1 billion) that had been derided for its simple, back - of - the - envelope approach.
In this new analysis, the Yale team compared the relative cost and value of the three approaches for individuals screening positive for opioid addiction: referral alone, brief intervention with facilitated referral, and ED - initiated buprenorphine.
«Their approach of using multiple trial types is very strong,» says Johns Hopkins psychologist and reason researcher Justin Halberda, who was not involved in the study but wrote an accompanying analysis in Science about the new paper.
Three - dimensional analysis, virtual surgical planning, and computer - aided design and manufacturing techniques are leading to new and refined approaches to reconstructive surgery of the skull, face, and jaw, according to a special topic article.
Scientists have combined genetic analyses with new modeling approaches for the first time to help identify how well balsam popular trees are adapted to handle climate change.
Acupuncture, Tai chi, Qigong, therapeutic massage and five elements musical intervention were among the approaches evaluated in a new analysis of traditional Chinese medicine and its effects on quality of life in Chinese cancer patients.
The iFAAM project will deliver new knowledge and approaches to help address the gaps identified in the paper but as the project enters its final year it is becoming evident that much remains to be done to improve the quality of allergen analysis.
«The mouse work is promising enough to adapt these technologies for real time analysis of patient materials so that clinical trials can be designed to test this new diagnostic and drug selection approach,» he said.
The new directive assumes that agencies will take a similarly cautious approach when they undertake statistical analyses of their existing records.
The purpose of this perspective, then, is to provide a logical argument for a new approach to classifying human disease that both appreciates the uses and limits of reductionism and incorporates the tenets of the non ‐ reductionist approach of complex systems analysis.
A new study published in Risk Analysis shows that people's past experiences with tornadoes inform how they approach this type of extreme weather in the future, including their perception of the risk.
Interestingly, genomic analyses suggested that ESCC and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) shared some common pathogenic mechanisms, and ESCC development is associated with alcohol drinking.These findings would provide a brand - new insight into the understandings of ESCC tumorigenesis, and would help clinicians to develop more effective diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for ESCC.
Dr. Hampton will present a new approach to study of rodent movement kinematics by presenting DigiGait, an automated system for gait analysis.
Our teams develop novel approaches as well as utilize routine routes to synthesize molecular, nanostructured, and solid - state systems; analyze the samples with multiple instruments; and model the results for detailed insight and to predict new systems for synthesis and analysis.
They applied a new joint meta - analysis approach for association testing with fasting insulin and glucose levels, which allowed for adjustment and interaction with body mass index (BMI).
The resulting analyses reveal novel adaptations and traits in infectious species of Leptospira that not only help illuminate its evolutionary history, but may also provide new preventive and treatment approaches.
The authors revised the paper, adding some analysis and explanation of their methodological approach, and said the new version was accepted by peer reviewers before being published in Pediatric Obesity.
We developed a web - based variant database to enable user - defined queries and we are currently working on the development of new approaches for the optimized analysis of exome data, particularly for unsolved exome cases.
Dr Louella Vasquez (PhD Physics, WTSI Postdoctoral Fellow) is responsible for the statistical analyses and development of new modeling approaches.
Pelt and Sethian are now applying their approach to other new areas, such as real - time analysis of images coming out of synchrotron light sources, biological reconstruction of cells, and brain mapping.
The C.R.E.A.T.E. (Consider, Read, Elucidate the hypotheses, Analyze and interpret the data, and Think of the next Experiment) method is a new teaching approach that uses intensive analysis of primary literature to demystify and humanize research science for undergraduates.
The Bioinformatics Shared Resource continuously develops new and efficient approaches to data analysis as a response to emerging research needs.
The study, integration and analysis of these data increasingly allows to unravel the genetic mechanisms and networks underlying complex biological phenotypes paving the way for an era of «genomic medicine,» in which new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to common multifactorial conditions are emerging.
Researchers with The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Research Network have completed the largest, most diverse tumor genetic analysis ever conducted, revealing a new approach to classifying cancers.
Although the yeast sup35 protein and the mammalian prion protein are not at all related to each other — the yeast pose no risk to consumers of bread or beer — the researchers think that in - depth analysis of the yeast prion - like elements and other proteins that help them fold up may lead to new approaches to therapies for neurodegenerative diseases.
Identification of cellular targets of microRNA - 181a in HepG2 cells: a new approach for functional analysis of microRNAs
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