Sentences with phrase «new analysis tools became»

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WattzOn ( will possibly one day become a thriving business — you can easily imagine companies licensing the technology to analyze their business footprint — but in the meantime, it's a free online tool that spits out detailed analyses that, in Griffith's case, not only caused him to give up driving but also to forgo imported wine, cancel his beloved New York Times subscription (to the continued chagrin of his wife), and ditch his dryer for a clothesline that ticked off his landlord.
In CFE v. New York, Judge Leland DeGrasse ruled that an adequate education included the «foundational skills that students need to become productive citizens capable of civic engagement and sustaining competitive employment,» the «intellectual tools to evaluate complex issues, such as campaign finance reform, tax policy, and global warming,» the ability to «determine questions of fact concerning DNA evidence, statistical analyses, and convoluted financial fraud.»
The human body as subject matter became increasingly scandalous and provocative in the post-war climate, whether in Hans Bellmer's dark surrealist masterpiece Les Jeux de la Poupée, Allen Jones's typically fetishistic Waitress I, or for the body's new role as a medium of experience, object of analysis, and tool of social protest through performance, seen in the Aktionism of Gunther Brus (Patent Merde).
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