Sentences with phrase «new aspirations»

As you strive to achieve these personal hopes and dreams and turn them into realities, leave the space to add new aspirations to work towards.
In 2010, Disjecta introduced a refreshed Biennial with new aspirations — guest curators would be invited to lead the program; multiple venues would expand artists» ability to display more ambitious, and more representative, works; and the broader platform would engage new and larger audiences.
And as Bob Berdahl, the new Chancellor at Berkeley, told me this effort has given these young people, «shining new aspirations» of what they can achieve.
Alexander told the gathered educators that these young students had their own needs, which were not being met in the junior high, including «more of the freedom of movement,» «more appropriate health and physical education, more chances to participate in planning and managing their own activities, more resources for help on their problems of growing up, and more opportunities to explore new interests and to develop new aspirations
While NCLB established a noble new aspiration — raising achievement while closing achievement gaps among all groups of students — its goals were undermined by accountability requirements for schools to make «Adequate Yearly Progress» (AYP) that were generally onerous and, in the case of English learners, literally impossible to meet.
As with any new year, new aspirations come with it, and the world is waiting for Bitcoin to gain its «killer app» that will take the digital currency mainstream.
Like when an infant becomes a toddler and is just learning to walk, or when an adolescent is finally becoming a young adult with new aspirations and responsibilities, people grow through life cycles changes and sometimes grow apart.
The new aspirations of consumers.
But what is likely to happen (indeed, is happening already) if at the very moment when an added component begins to arise in the anima naturaliter christiana, and one so compelling as the awareness of a terrestrial «ultra-humanity», ecclesiastical authority ignores, disdains and even condemns this new aspiration without seeking to understand it?
To have new aspirations and turn over a new leaf.
Labour must reflect the changing face of Wales, its political culture and the new aspirations of its citizens.
Celestite allows you to not only dream of new aspirations but manifest them into reality.
Modern day senior citizens really aren't allowing age to impede on their pursuit of finding love again and following their new aspirations, dreams and taking up new challenges.
On our free dating site we glad propose the most beautiful women and men Al Baarini family's dreams were shattered when they were forced to leave Syria in 2012, but two years after their move to Britain, they have new aspirations
As much as I wanted to see Spy Hunter succeed with its new aspirations, it's unfortunate to see the game struggle.
While over forty years after the establishment of such formal teaching of Hawaiian in the public high schools, the new aspirations of Kamehameha to become a college preparatory school, Ms. Kahananui's seriousness of purpose, and the strong interest of a core group of students makes this course a stepping stone to a new level of Hawaiian language teaching.
The new aspiration, which the company had already been experimenting with on games like Team Fortress 2, supports game expansions not through -LSB-...]
The new aspiration, which the company had already been experimenting with on games like Team Fortress 2, supports game expansions not through individual episodes, but DLC updates and patches.
As much as I wanted to see Spy Hunter succeed with its new aspirations, it's unfortunate to see the game struggle.
We will need new definitions of success in life; new aspirations to strive for.
This isn't a new aspiration — we have many long - standing relationships with members of the US House of Representatives and Senate — but now we're actually putting the wheels in motion and setting up in DC.
While not a new aspiration, the reason Harris gives for wanting to move to a cryptocurrency equivalent notably stems from LSEG's role on the Borsa Italiana project, which looks to issue securities on a blockchain.
As a result, considering jobs in Hong Kong or Singapore has become a personal interest and is a new aspiration for the future.
Do you need a new aspiration and drive?
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