Sentences with phrase «new attendees»

"New attendees" refers to people who are participating or joining an event, meeting, or gathering for the first time. Full definition
Both members and leaders bring carriers for new attendees to try on.
Are you looking for ways to spread the word and attract new attendees?
I am excited to meet new attendees who will bring this work to new locations.
And if you are now able to make it to the class because it has moved, that is wonderful, we welcome new attendees!
Next year I'll plan on being there a couple days early, but new attendees not in - the - know might have the same problems I did this year.
20 professional development hours are available for new attendees.
The laid - back, Californian vibe at Saddleback is only made possible by an army of pastors, staff and volunteers engaged in intentionally reaching, welcoming and engaging new attendees.
«Don't get overwhelmed,» Haras advises new attendees.
At the spa industry's «must - attend» event, Conference veterans and new attendees alike join to connect with each other, gain insight and inspiration and celebrate continued industry growth.
«Enjoyed the web vendors and insight from new attendees
To get people coming back and attract new attendees, both festivals are spicing things up this year by revitalizing fan - favorite events and hosting new ones.
A lottery process will be used for selecting summer conference participants, with half of the spaces reserved for new attendees.
It's grown so big, in fact, that starting in 2011, TechCrunch organizers moved the event to the 125,000 - square - foot Concourse Exhibition Center — a.k.a. the San Francisco Design Center — in order to accomodate all the new attendees and exhibitors.
With in - depth technical sessions on best practices hosted by esteemed thought leaders from throughout the profession, new attendees will learn why the AICPA PFP Conference is a must attend event.
The conference kicks off with a new attendee toast and a happy hour so you can scope the crowd, greet old friends and make new connections.
I also hear from a lot of evangelicals who have begun attending Mainline Protestant churches precisely because they welcome LGBT people, accept scientific findings regarding climate change and evolution, practice traditional worship, preach from the lectionary, affirm women in ministry, etc., but these new attendees never hear the leadership of the church explain why this is the case.
I also hear from a lot of evangelicals who have begun attending Mainline Protestant churches precisely because they welcome LGBT people, accept science, avoid aligning with a single political party, practice traditional worship, preach from the lectionary, affirm women in ministry, etc. but these new attendees never hear the leadership of the church explain why this is the case.
We met during the new attendees class, which is where I heard their story.
«This is surely a year that our loyal fans will do a double - take at the program and new attendees will find plenty of events to choose from,» Schrager says.
New attendees: Limited to 40 new teachers with approximately 50 % from Hamilton County Schools and 50 % from surrounding rural school districts.
Returning ALL attendees can earn up to 50 professional development hours, and new ALL attendees can earn up to 40 professional development hours by participating in each of the following:
So, this week, I'm wondering how many of this year's new attendees are feeling that spectacular mix of eagerness and trepidation, fatigue and desire.
This conference had over 100 new attendees.
The Convention will close briefly when the main event adjourns, and then reopen for the Seasonal Sessions, the Expo is open on a 24 - hour basis for several months which allows attendees to revisit or new attendees to discover your Booth.
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