Sentences with phrase «new birth certificate»

Prior to the judgment, Alberta law only allowed for new birth certificates if sex change surgery had been performed.
Currently, an adult who has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria and lived for two years as a person of the opposite sex can apply for a gender recognition certificate, before being issued with a new birth certificate.
She asked for a new birth certificate.
After the placement, adoptive parents will get a new birth certificate issued with their child's name on it.
If this is not possible, he can sign the form later and a new birth certificate with his name on it can be issued at a later date.
It does take much information to create a new birth certificate or driver's license in «Your» name.
The new birth certificate looks identical to any other birth certificate.
The child is then issued a new birth certificate.
In fact, Florida issues a new birth certificate listing the adoptive parents as the child's parents.
Upon finalization of an adoption in New Jersey, adoption records are sealed and a new birth certificate is issued with the adoptive parent (s) named as the parent (s) of the child.
Like other forms of adoption, the adult adoptee can chose to have their legal name changed and may have a new birth certificate issued listing the adopter (s) as the adult adoptee's birth parent (s).
At the conclusion of a Finalization, documents are sent to the State Office of Vital Statistics, a new birth certificate with the adoptive parents listed as the parents.
When the final decree is granted a new birth certificate is issued under the names of the adoptive parents.
Once an adoption order is made, the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages issues a new birth certificate for the child.
Amended birth certificate — the new birth certificate of a child that is given to the adoptive parents once the adoption process is finalized
At the adoption hearing, you are given information on how to go about getting a new birth certificate for the child.
The new birth certificate (adoption certificate) is normally available through the Registrar General's Office within 4 weeks.
The family will later receive a notice that they may apply for the new birth certificate, which is revised to show them as the parents.
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