Sentences with phrase «new black hole»

The satellite is likely to repeat its debut performance hundreds of times, helping reveal what happens in the chaotic moments after huge stars collapse to form new black holes.
Most astrophysicists think that gamma ray bursts, fantastically energetic flares from deep space, stream from new black holes that form when the cores of massive spinning stars collapse to trigger supernovas.
X-rays stream from the hottest, most violent parts of the blast wave, so astrophysicists expect that analysis will yield insights into the physics of how new black holes spew titanic jets of energy into space.
While not to the extremes of Disney's new Black Hole DVD, the sound does get very loud at times, at the pinnacles of drama.
The phenomenon might be more common in M82 because it is a «starburst» galaxy, where massive stars form and explode at a high rate, creating a lot of new black holes.
The two new black holes were also much, much lighter.
The new black hole merger is similar to the first one seen by LIGO.
Seen from afar, the disappearance of the star could then announce the birth of a new black hole.
For the first time, scientists worldwide and at Penn State University have detected both gravitational waves and light shooting toward our planet from one massively powerful event in space — the birth of a new black hole created by the merger of two neutron stars.
As matter plunges toward a new black hole, it heats up so violently that jets of gamma rays rifle into space.
The black holes were 14 and 8 times the mass of the sun (L - R), and merged to form a new black hole 21 times the mass of the sun.
Researchers would like to know the details of how two black holes collide, and whether a new black hole arises as theory suggests.
«In the details of a collision and in terms of the gravitational waves, you could see the formation of a new black hole
The staggering strength of the merger gave rise to a new black hole and created a gravitational field so strong that it distorted spacetime in waves that spread throughout space with a power about 50 times stronger than that of all the shining stars and galaxies in the observable universe.
In a study published in Solar and Stellar Astrophysics, the researchers say they saw the red supergiant star N6946 - BH1 flare a million times brighter than our sun for several months in 2009 before fading out of visible wavelengths, a likely sign of a brand - new black hole.
Residing in the dwarf galaxy IC 10, 1.8 million light - years away in the constellation Cassiopeia, the new black hole puzzles researchers because it is thought that the kind of star that would give birth to it would not have retained enough mass to produce such a large object.
«What we've learned today: LIGO works, black holes exist, black holes collide, new black holes are born, general relativity works.
In contrast, the new black hole moves four times as fast as stars in its part of the galaxy, suggesting that the high speed must result from a supernova kick.
The breadth of the line and the observed optical and X-ray fluxes suggest that Swift J1745 - 26 is a new black hole candidate located closer than ~ 7 kpc.
After examining data going back more than 13 years obtained from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers at NASA identified 26 new black holes — an unprecedented number — in the Andromeda Galaxy, one of the galaxies closest to the Milky Way.
The new black hole candidates were formed via powerful collisions of massive stars and are five to 10 times bigger than the sun.
Subsequently, matter from the debris of the merger that swirls rapidly around the newly created new black hole has been modelled as amplifying the strength of the combined magnetic field left over by the neutron stars after their merger over the next 11 milliseconds.
Even more odd, these new black holes were found in the cores of glittering, «beehive» swarms of stars - called globular star clusters - that orbit our Milky Way and other galaxies.
This ultra-powerful field becomes better organized and forms two outwardly directed funnels along the new black hole's rotational axis, which then creates the two bi-polar jets of particles moving near the speed of light that are detected as a short GRB (NASA news release; Seil Collins, New Scientist, April 13, 2011; and Rezzolla et al, 2011; and more discussion and images from Bruno Giacomazzo's presentation).
Lash is one of the COs Hawke is able to get along with fine; this is evident in Advance Wars: Dual Strike, were the two are seen to be outcasts in the new Black Hole military.
Hawke is a new Black Hole CO in Advance Wars 2, and is supposedly the second - in - command.
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