Sentences with phrase «new blog content»

This way, your website stays fresh with new blog content, new results, new attorneys, new offices — whatever is happening in your firm and in your area (s) of practice can be mentioned quickly and easily on your website.
For example, LinkedIn has an application that will monitor your RSS feed and add new blog content to your profile whenever your blog is updated.
Along with recharging your batteries, you're also giving yourself a heap of potential new blog content.
As a food blogger, it's rare that even a favorite recipe gets made frequently because we're always looking for new blog content)....

Not exact matches

For SEO, optimizing your website, blog and press / media pages with new information in the right structure can help get your content noticed over competitors to drive more traffic from highly qualified leads.
Blogs are especially helpful to get traffic from returning customers because you should have new content to offer, even if your product or service hasn't changed at all.
With its new features, Medium's main target appears to be blog - hosting or content - management providers like WordPress, whose open - source software powers more than 20 % of the web, including sites like Fortune and TechCrunch (Fortune is partnering with Medium for a trial project, as is Money magazine, both of which are owned by Time Inc.).
Then he took to Periscope to discuss the findings with his followers, sharing the same content with a new audience in a new format, fielding questions and comments and extending the life and reach of his blog post.
The 284 million - user service announced the new feature on its blog this morning, positioning quick promote as a «a faster and easier way for small - and medium - sized businesses (SMBs) to get their best content in front of more people on Twitter.»
You will have new and organically trending content to blog about.
Most leading blogs update at least one new piece of content daily.
With a strong domain name and consistently new content from blogs, the company should rank high in search engine results.
Promoting your blog on an ongoing basis is as important as regularly adding new content.
How to produce quality content each time you publish a new blog post so that you can keep your readers coming back as well as gain new ones.
With the torrential onslaught of new content — 2 million blog posts every day!
Thinking beyond a blog and taking a close look at all key performance indicators are just a few ways you can maximize content marketing in the New Year.
Instead, he argued that every single piece of content you publish — from blog posts to podcasts, and live talks to demo pages — represents an opportunity to get a new prospective customer into your funnel.
You're strengthening your social reach with blog content and driving new website visitors to your blog via your social channels.
First, you'll want an ongoing content strategy to fuel your SEO campaign and attract new readers; this will likely reside in your blog.
Every time you write a blog post, you're creating content that people can share on social networks — Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest — which helps expose your business to a new audience that may not know you yet.
When someone clicks on a podcast from a blog, most smartphones open a new window and start playing the content.
So when the media you earn includes links to the media you own — like relevant, high - quality blog posts or even valuable gated content — you're able to pull those new audience members to your site and into your funnel.
3) Publish new content at regular, consistent intervals (more often is better but regularity is highly valued, too) on your web site in blogs, articles and resource centers.
Based on your input, I think I might still try to write about all of these things, but narrow my focus and / or spin off that content into a new blog, should anything gain enough traction to be profitable.
Lucky for our readers, we have excellent content marketers contributing to our blog including Ashley Zeckman, Josh Nite, Caitlin Burgess and one of our new content team members this year who has made quite a splash: Anne Leuman.
Perform a content audit to understand your existing inventory of content and what can be repurposed into a new, useful format like changing a series of blog posts into an infographic.
Providing an RSS feed on your blog or website sheds insight into how often buyers are actively engaging with the new content you provide, but this is not the only metric to track.
For each new piece of content you publish on your blog, your website, or anywhere else, mark down the LinkedIn groups that the article could be beneficial for.
I wasn't finding the time to write new blogs and refresh my content.
He shows how to win the hearts and minds of your audience using blogs, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Newsjacking, and other new tools — by creating content that they're eager to share.
With expertise in back testing and day trading, the TradingSim Blog provides primarily educational content to both new and veteran traders.
You could also use the SumoMe Welcome Mat to start building a list of subscribers that you can email each time you publish new content on your blog.
Submit content regularly, engage with your new audiences in blog comments and on social media, and work to solidify your foundation at this level before you attempt to move on.
CMS and blog platforms sometimes create awkward URLs for new content.
As the owner of a new hiking blog, I understand just how important finding the best keywords to build content around really is.
FYI, Search Marketing Standard will soon be unveiling a new ebook that has 130 + content creation ideas — watch for an announcement on our blog and website in the next couple of weeks!
Buzzsumo has a monitoring feature that can alert you whenever your favorite author or blog publishes new content.
And while each new blog post you publish continues to work for you in search engines, eventually they get buried with all the new content you publish.
Marketing and business leaders are experiencing tremendous pressure to get online, embrace and start leveraging the social networks, create content, launch corporate and executive blogs, design new Instagram profiles, fill Twitter feeds with amazing content, build Facebook communities, embrace live streaming and the list goes on.
A blog bundle — a compilation of your best blog posts around a given topic — is a great way to resurface your best blog content and simultaneously create a new lead - gen offer.
Instead, they'll embrace content marketing, which creates a permanent online asset that grows with each new blog post.
I just completed a goal setting exercise for publishing content on a new blog / website.
In addition, the promotion of new content is complemented with the re-sharing of old content from your blog.
Use keywords and phrases in your blog posts to help increases the chances of getting found in search engines, and make sure that you keep up on providing new, quality content.
I'm tasked to organically grow Daily Capital, Personal Capital's blog by managing the editorial calendar, work with a team of writers to produce new content, write the occasional post, collaborate with other departments to market their work, and engage Personal Capital's ~ 450,000 users.
Each blog post scanned and tweet looked at means another near - certainty I'll read about paid links, how content is king, SEO is dead, and now, my new itch — link building — is a relevant description for building five links a week.
New Link Building Guidelines for Guest Blogs and Press Releases - Brafton's take on the changes to link building guidelines, explaining that guest blogging is still okay as long as the intent is not to build links and that PR content will have to develop new rules when including anchored teNew Link Building Guidelines for Guest Blogs and Press Releases - Brafton's take on the changes to link building guidelines, explaining that guest blogging is still okay as long as the intent is not to build links and that PR content will have to develop new rules when including anchored tenew rules when including anchored text.
A blog is a great way to ensure that the search spiders return to the site since each new post is a new page of content that needs to be crawled and indexed.
I had pared down to 12 at one point, but after launching my new blog project started «meeting» some awesome peeps w / great content that I couldn't pass up.
The best way to increase blog traffic is to write new content regularly and comment on and link to posts on other people's blogs.
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