Sentences with phrase «new book ideas»

Blogging is also a fantastic way to create new book ideas and home your writing skills; there is nothing to lose by creating one.
This could be following up on pitches (I pitch books mid-week, never Monday or Friday), chasing contracts and money, organizing promotional plans for a client's book with marketing and publicity, chatting with my colleagues about their work, forwarding reviews of client books to our foreign rights manager for her book fair catalogues, consulting with clients about cover design, talking to clients about new book ideas and many more things!
This platform allows authors to raise money, gauge the initial audience for new book ideas, and allow readers to pledge their financial support to bring books to life.
Society's failure to embrace the idea of neurodiversity and accept people who think differently might be limiting human potential, says a new book
The intriguing new book This Idea Must Die argues that we're beset by beliefs that have outlived their usefulness.
I had imagined his new book idea would be another project based on my business experiences, but he said, «There's this great passage in your autobiography where you nearly get yourself killed.»
I get half - way through, and then a new book idea comes along which I just have to work on right now!
I start seriously thinking about a new book idea when I'm in the final stages of another project.
I'm actually working on a new book idea and I think it will also have a «solving» element.
In the ideal traditional publishing partnership — where the publisher nourished the author's career; where the same editor worked closely with the author over decades, editing and reworking books and new book ideas; where the publisher actively marketed and promoted the author and gave the author a sufficient advance to live on between books — then it might have made sense for the publisher to own the rights for the entire copyright term.
Google is also hoping you will Tweet them and give them new book ideas.
For example, you could record a new book idea you have with chapter ideas or character ideas.
This helps if you want to start with a clean sheet of paper and work out which sub-genres might best fit with what you want to write, or use it to give you creative ideas for new books targeting specific niches (otherwise known as writing to market), or if you want to check the viability of a new book idea.
Last year, for example, I was excited about a new book idea.
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