Sentences with phrase «new cell renewal»

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In the online issue of the journal Nature, the researchers report a new function of FAM134B in the constant renewal of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), an important cell organelle.
The proteasome plays a key role in the smooth running of a healthy cell, facilitating cell renewal and death — chopping up proteins tagged for destruction into short polypeptides which can then be converted to amino - acids and recycled for use in building new proteins.
Both microRNA families have the connection to drug resistance as well as to cancer stem cells, sub-population of cancer cells that have self - renewal properties and the ability to give rise to new tumors that are more resistant to current therapy.
Laminin - 521 allow not only self - renewal, but also cloning, derivation, and even clonal derivation of new hES cell lines under defined and xeno - free conditions.
The ability of adult stem cells to divide and generate both new stem cells (called self - renewal) as well as specialized cell types (called differentiation) is the key to maintaining healthy tissues.
The fellow will drive a new project focusing on molecular mechanisms controlling the identity, self - renewal, and differentiation potential of skeletal stem cells.
It's converted into vitamin A in the body which in turn encourages skin cell renewal (getting rid of old dull and yucky cells that can clog pores, revealing the smooth new cells beneath).
Every day, old cells on the surface of our skin die and flake off, and at the same time new ones grow, which is a natural part of skin renewal.
Mamaku black fern extract targets cell renewal while powerful new Vinanza Gold extract from the Marlborough sauvignon blanc grape seed is packed with polyphenolic compound - the quintessential antioxidant for damaged skin.
The creation of this vessel from liquid white - hot glass symbolically gives life to a new cell, a renewal, a new life.
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