Sentences with phrase «new cells»

There are fewer toxic chemicals in new cell phones than ever before.
Stem cells are long - lasting suppliers of new cells for a variety of tissues throughout the body, and hair is no exception.
This homemade face mask not only helps to combat those wrinkles and encourages new cell growth, it smells absolutely divine.
Eating enough protein is essential for healthy development of new cells in the placenta and maternal tissues and encourages healthy blood production.
With a few exceptions, the cells in our bodies are genetically programmed to die and make way for new cells.
Even more importantly, you can't make new cell membranes without cholesterol.
Vitamin B6 helps with new cell formation, making it essential for brain, cardiovascular, nervous system, and skin health.
Further, as people get older, their stem cells also tend to lose their ability to differentiate into new cell lines, including much - needed immune cells.
However you say it, potatoes are a great source of vitamin B6, which does all kinds of important things, like building new cells in your body.
They maintain healthy tissues and organs by producing new cells to replenish dying cells and rebuild damaged tissues.
As you stress tissue, the body goes into a natural process of creating new cells making you larger.
As well as providing energy, most of what babies eat and drink maintains their body systems and growing new cells.
Before that happens, bone growth takes place between the two pieces, where soft cartilage generates new cells.
Both protein and carbohydrates provide your body with energy, and protein also provides essential amino acids for forming new cells in the body.
Breast massage stimulates new cell production and maintains the health of breast tissue.
In an ideal world, we'd all support our body's miraculous ability to heal itself and develop new cells through our lifestyle choices.
Solving a longstanding mystery, scientists have found that the human heart continues to generate new cardiac cells throughout the life span, although the rate of new cell production slows with age.
You can keep your skin healthy by eating foods that will promote new cell generation.
Stem cells are being used to create new cell culture and animal models of diabetes that better reflect what happens in a human.
Body protein is constantly being turned over as old cells die and new cells replace them.
It encourages new cell growth, helping to tighten skin and reduce wrinkles and the appearance of scars.
The greater the distance that a runner had covered during the experiment, the more new cells its brain now contained.
This «wound - healing» aspect of the immune response stimulates growth of new cells within damaged tissue and brings extra nutrients and oxygen into the injured tissue.
The affected parts of the brain in these mice made just half to one - fifth as many new cells as did those areas in healthy mice.
If cells divide when new cells are not needed, a mass of excess tissue called a tumor is formed.
This also allows new cells to grow which improve * brain health.
It helps stimulate new cell turnover and collagen growth, which increases the strength of your skin, hair, and nails.
It also fights free radicals in our body so new cells can form.
Cells - like stars in the sky - die, and in their place new cells are formed.
The technology could help point to new cell therapies.
It's important for digestion, nervous - system maintenance, building new cells throughout the body and fueling the immune system, among other functions.
All organ systems in our body require new cells to replace old ones.
Vitamin A promotes healthy vision, supports new cell growth and keeps your immune system robust and able to fight off infection.
This brings the fatty acid cycle to a grinding halt, and the parasite can not divide for want of new cell membranes.
This both eliminates unnecessary or broken cell machinery and provides building blocks to make new cell components, which is especially important when starting materials are not provided by the diet.
This includes new cell regeneration, and the elimination of waste and toxins, which triggers various chronic diseases.
Very little of the recent expansion has been due to new cell technology.
Protein is essential for basic bodily functions; it helps to build new cells whilst looking after the tissues within your body (which lets face it, is pretty essential).
We saw new cells growing back into these new areas of the lung.
Eventually the cell is so full of new viral particles that the cell bursts, freeing the particles to attack new cells.
Human growth hormone stimulates the process of cellular regeneration that continues to provide new cells for those which die off and need replacing.
By bringing new cells to the surface quicker, skin will have a healthy glow and will look refreshed.
The skin cell turnover process in the scalp where the skin continuously replaces itself by pushing aging cells out and replacing them with new cells normally takes up to 30 days.
Keep in mind that wireless carriers offer new cell phone plans, and get rid of older ones, on a regular basis.
A good idea if you don't need a loan, credit card or new cell phone plan in the near future.
New cell lines can be registered and information to already registered cell lines can be added.
Researchers have long thought that the aging brain stops producing new cells.
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