Sentences with phrase «new consciousness»

New consciousness of tribal culture, caste culture, needs to be interpreted in terms of people's awakening to selfhood.
But we are also experiencing a turn in our awareness, developing new consciousness in dialogue with the sciences, with other faiths, with ourselves as men and women, and with the earth itself.
My aim is to nourish what I believe is an emerging new consciousness among many potential dreamers and doers in the churches who can help provide us with the visions and the values we need to promote a movement toward an ecologically optimum world community full of justice and joy in which the human race can not only survive but embark on exciting new adventures of physical and spiritual enjoyment.
There are hints of a dawning new consciousness in America.
-- New Consciousness Review «In case you haven't noticed, the «green» movement is gaining steam around the world... This book looks at how many things in our lives can be or are designed with the environment and our health in mind.»
The world has moved on, leaving these elements of the Christian Church that can not adjust to new knowledge or a new consciousness lost in a sea of their own irrelevance.
A new consciousness has arisen.
This awakening has been prophesied for ages, and has been called «The Great Shift», «The Planetary Ascension», «The Quickening», «An Evolutionary Leap» and more recently, «Awakening to the New Consciousness
The true Gnostic, knowing the wiles of the Demiurge, is not about to be taken in by the pseudo-Gnostic promise of a new consciousness by way of McKenna's golden mushrooms.
You seem to suggest that God is creating a new consciousness among young people who seem to be craving a Christianity that is different from the one that I grew up with.
If we are to survive the global crisis that is discussed in Chapter 3 we need to develop a new consciousness about nature which includes those creatures who share the Earth with us.
The Church needs to live into the sea changes around it with a new consciousness.
This new consciousness has begun to shape an emerging yet coherent view of an interconnected world, where humans are inextricably linked to one another, whether we like it or not, and where all are connected to and dependent on the natural world in which we all live.
A new consciousness of being a world citizen?
If the global society emerges, it will require humanity to develop a new consciousness and a new form of spirituality.
E.R.A., birth control, Title IX, and the like, have brought a new consciousness of women's rights and possibilities to the contemporary Christian.
The new consciousness is analogous to the new physics which denies there are any such entities as particles uninfluenced in their inner nature by other entities.
The new consciousness is the discovery of new felt relationships of compassion between ourselves and other people with other living creatures, with the whole of creation and therefore with God.
The new consciousness refers to the inner nature of ourselves and of other individual entities in the universe.
Key concepts in the new consciousness are: subject, felt relations, internal relations, sympathy richness of experience, creative solitude, hope, faith affection new being, ultimate concern (= God), compassion and God's action in the world as internally related to all individual entities from protons to people.
Indeed, the new consciousness can be said to include the universe.
In the new consciousness, as we experience it today, there is a coming together of our understanding of the world around us and the world within us.
For the subject races who counted for little in the scales of Western colonialism, Christianity was a mass transit movement toward a new consciousness.
There is often a zeitgeist that emerges during periods of significant cultural change — a new consciousness that emerges out of the shifting historical circumstances.
In its place has come a new consciousness of the ambiguity and the inadequacy, even the distorting effect, of that method if it alone contributes to or fashions our fundamental view of reality.
In Augustine a new consciousness takes shape, one that finds the originating and firm center of certainty in the self - awareness of the self as existing, thinking and willing.
Anyone who catches this concept will be caught up in a new consciousness that will change life.
Theological expressions of a new consciousness are found in Sam Keen, To a Dancing God (New York: Harper & Row, 1969); Harvey Cox, The Feast of Fools (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969), and, of course, Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man.
In relationship to the past and present, the new consciousness will likely be more sensuous, ecstatic, erotic, earthy, bodily oriented, festive, playful, feminine, idealistic, utopian, mystical, sacramental, hedonistic — in sum, a quest for joy in the wholeness of body and spirit.
Can white, middle - class and affluent churches be a factor in facilitating the birth of a new vision, a new consciousness?
Among what may be a growing number of people in our churches, aspects of a new consciousness are stirring, at least in the form of a vague hunger often below the level of articulate thought.
He concludes that if a successful global society is to emerge, it will require humanity to develop a new consciousness and a new form of spirituality.
Finally, I return again to the claim that the most significant contribution the church can make to the biopolitical task is to nourish a new consciousness, a utopian vision of a desirable human future arising from the inspiration of the Christian past.
I can only give expression to my own intuition that this possible emergence of a new consciousness should be given shape by a utopian vision of a planetary brotherhood at peace with nature and with God, united with all of life in the enjoyment of its potentialities.
Strategies must not be limited to the level of social mechanisms and political devices, but must be aimed at creating a new consciousness, a vision of a good future powerful enough to open us up to new, more effective ways of solving our problems.
That night she had a new consciousness of the country, felt almost a new relation to it.
Whether one takes the pluralist or the inclusivist position, it is generally agreed that any Christian theology of revelation that we construct today has to be sensitive to the new consciousness of religious plurality emerging in our time.
Most religious writing about the environment, whether from traditional and mainstream religions or from some new consciousness, tends to treat nature as a steady «state paradise, a self «regulating harmony where balances temporarily upset are smoothly restored.
My own thinking is still inchoate on this point, but my tentative conclusion is that a new consciousness is arising in groups strategically placed in the socio - economic structure.
Three aspects of the Kingdom of God which Jesus preached are: a new consciousness, a new set of values and a new relationship.
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