Sentences with phrase «new cultural pattern»

It is not surprising that the church, long an institution engaged in family programming, has become deeply involved in this new cultural pattern.
At the same time, he rejects those theories, «more or less tinged with behaviouristic psychology,» which assume» that human nature has no dynamism of its own and that psychological changes are to be understood in terms of the development of new «habits» as an adaptation to new cultural patterns
One of the striking things about this period is the extent to which the Protestant ministry has reflected new cultural patterns and ideals.

Not exact matches

These make people try to safeguard their culture in ghetto type relationships and structures, and / or to evolve new cultural mixes that may at first seem merely hybrid, but in the longer term could bring about new patterns of relationships.
What they can do is to interpret it in the light of the present forces impinging on their lives so that the new pattern of life may be continuous with their cultural tradition.
To accept an interpretation of a text because it is new or distinct from dominant cultural patterns is a faulty hermeneutical procedure.
Russia is facing similar problems of spiritual order after it borrowed some of the social and cultural patterns of the Western world in the New Age period.
Each awakening has occurred during a period of profound cultural disorientation, when the whole cultural system was jarred by disjunctions between old beliefs and new realities, past norms and present experience, dying patterns and emerging patterns of behavior.
[11] The inescapable reality that new patterns of social, economic, political, religious and cultural inter-relationships and identities emerged through the colonial encounter can not be simply brushed aside or dismissed with the comment that this was a terrible time and that it is good that things are different now.
Rather than thinking of culture as something implicit or taken for granted — as something about latent normative patterns that can be inferred only from observing regularities in social behavior — the new cultural sociology regards culture as something tangible, explicit, and overtly produced.
Around the time these patterns changed, humans were becoming increasingly dependent on agriculture — a cultural shift that physically altered the environment and would have introduced new barriers to dispersal of plants and animals.
NASA and NOAA used the VIIRS instrument on the Suomi NPP satellite to study light patterns during Christmas and Ramadan to «provide new insights into how energy consumption behaviors vary across different cultural settings.»
Understands massive immigration after 1870 and how new social patterns, conflicts, and ideas of national unity developed amid growing cultural diversity
The exhibition is a further opportunity to explore certain nearby cultural and commercial entities, observing local stories, socio - political patterns, and economically and culturally under - explored communities in the hope of setting in motion a new cartography through which to visit and engage an overlooked Milan.
In her new book «Kimlikli Bedenler» (Bodies with Identity), Ahu Antmen investigates the cultural patterns of body around identity, through various works of art, made at separate periods in time.
The ephemeral element of the whole idea and process of the project is to investigate Southeast Asia's ancestors and technologies in a cultural pattern that can bring hope and understanding to a new legacy.
Through the multicultural perspective provided by the history of maiolica glaze painting (tin - glazed pottery that originated during the Renaissance), Devers maps his own journey in the form of paintings, ceramics, and installations to offer a new translation of pattern, form, and space and to provide new perspectives of cultural influence as an American artist working in Mexico and Italy.
Exploration of the many cultural factors shaping new patterns of sexual behavior including the divorce revolution, changing attitudes towards work and career, and the new financial pressures many young people face today
Acculturation is the process of adopting cultural traits or social patterns of another group in a new environment.
Often couples benefit from understanding their relationship patterns and finding new ways to interact that fit their cultural, gender, attachment and intimacy styles.
To add a further cultural influence mix them in with more earthy shades and ethic - inspired patterned towels from the new range.
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