Sentences with phrase «new debt»

"New debt" refers to the money borrowed or owed by an individual, organization, or government that has been recently acquired or created. Full definition
Similarly, certain situations could leave you with a mountain of new debt if you don't have the right car insurance.
Taking on new debt without a plan to pay it off defeats the purpose of filing bankruptcy in the first place.
Thus, unless incurred in new debt, refinancing is out of the question if you already obtained this benefit before.
Focus on making payments on time, getting a good handle on your debt situation and not applying for new debt unless necessary and when well planned out.
If you qualify for the loan and then you continue to incur new debts again on the credit cards, you're essentially increasing your debt load leading to further problems.
Overall, it amounted more to a credit crunch, difficulties for a time where junk credits couldn't issue new debt.
Just remember that a consolidation loan merely moves your debt from one place to another - you still need to make the payments and avoid creating new debt in order to be successful.
Debt settlement is a relatively new debt relief program.
Many of these households have combined those spare funds with new debt to purchase housing for the purposes of investment.
It's not just that you're adding new debt on top of old.
Without this cash flow, the dividend payment has to be paid from new debt or cash raised from new share issuance.
The dynamics underlying the gains in consumer spending in recent years do not inspire confidence, because they have been driven mainly by new debt rather than real income growth.
As newer debt weighs more heavily on your credit report than older debt, your score can drop when you make an effort to pay, whether in part or in full.
To make matters worse, you may have to use those credit cards to make ends meet every month, creating new debt at the same rate you're paying off old debt.
The debtor must not acquire new debt without the authorization of the trustee.
-- The Trustee or court must approve the acquisition of new debt if the borrower is still in bankruptcy.
Our certified credit counselors can help you put together a plan for paying off your unsecured credit card debt and avoiding new debt in the future.
In fact, this generation is acquiring new debt at a faster rate than their parents, partially because of the rising costs of education.
The worst thing you can do is quit your job or take on new debts while going through a mortgage refinance.
You may face new debts during your golden years.
However, this strategy can only work if you don't accumulate new debt.
The need for creative lending on quality deals has led to the creation of several new debt funds, as well as expansions of existing bank and agency programs.
You can have a debt management service deal with your creditors to negotiate and arrange new debt repayment plans.
The deal also will require a large amount of new debt issuance, although there are no financing conditions tied to closing.
The numbers range from 0 (a brand new debt which is too new to rate) to 9 (placed for collection or bankruptcy).
That would be great, except they're using new debt to pay for it.
There are many variables that will determine how much new debt you can take on, in the form mortgage loan.
While repaying the debt that you've already incurred, you shouldn't accrue new debt.
These automatic alerts can protect you in many areas, like monitoring new accounts, new debt collection accounts, and other possibly fraudulent claims.
I know my clients get new debt after filing as they have to contact me about it for various reasons.
They will often want to see the changes you've made to guard against new debt problems.
Ultimately, the deal would set the stage for more than $ 1.5 trillion of new debt over the next decade.
Although you're taking out a new loan, you're not adding new debt because you're using the loan to pay off existing debt.
This would also help middle class families by preventing new debt related to public education.
Any restructuring of these contractual obligations also stands providing new debt isn't created due to the restructuring.
However, you do have student loans to pay, and taking on a huge new debt right now would be potentially disastrous for you.
I have few brand new debt related articles, which I wish to post in your site.
That has come with an almost 10 percent increase in selling new debt.
When a loan comes due, the owner must refinance, place new debt or sell the asset.
Nor will there be sufficient profits in the future to support the gigantic new debt the government has loaded onto the economy.
But you would still be able to deduct the interests on up to $ 100,000 of the combined new debt.
Loans have been denied at closing day due to new debts undisclosed at application.
Even then, you shouldn't be thinking about this step until you've made a big dent in your existing new debts.
Discuss any decision to take on new debt together.
Debt consolidation functions in a manner similar to refinancing a home mortgage; you're trading one or more debts for a single new debt, typically one offering lower finance charges.
Any income can now be applied toward new debt.
Never apply for credit and take on new debt prior to or during the mortgage application process.
When debt matures new debt is many times issued to repay the old debt, perhaps from the same creditor.
However, they can not simply get rid of your debt, or even decrease it, because debt consolidation requires new debt.

Phrases with «new debt»

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