Sentences with phrase «new emergent»

With this shift we are also invited to consider new emergent themes in Reid's work: Claude Lége, Director of the Musée de Patrimone à Barthete de Boussan, remarks that there are parallels to be drawn between Reid's new sculptures and «the resin casts of Marvel superheroes, or plastic children's toys... «The resulting body of work is healthy and robust where humour is present, but does not exclude thought or transcendence».
The point being stressed here is that conscious experience is a radically new emergent in the evolutionary process, and required and still requires an extremely complex, even awe - inspiring set of conditions; and yet it emerged and still emerges out of entities which are not totally different in kind.
The insistence of process - thought on the ongoing movement of creativity, with the new emergent occasions and the accomplishment of good in every part of the world in spite of (and even in a way because of) the lags, the backwaters, and the maladjustments, would suggest that there is in fact no end.
Then come complex multicellular organisms, societies of animals with new emergent properties at the ecosystem level, and, finally conscious beings who create culture, use symbolic language — and experience the first intimations of transcendence.
The actions of the spiritual body are animated and directed by that life - giving spirit of the last Adam, that man who stands on the threshold of a new emergent reality, the body of Christ.
(It is tempting to call the new emergent the will, and this is plausible and even helpful.
I wrote my thesis on the philosophy of history with the central argument that Industrial Civilization would collapse and either be replaced by a new emergent socio - economic revolution an order of magnitude higher than industrialization and agriculture combined, or we would go back to the stone age or extinct.
Recent developments in e-learning have been nurtured by a «people - centric web», and by newer emergent technologies, that facilitate and stimulate collaborative conversations, knowledge - sharing, individualism and interpersonal networking — all of which should be at the heart of sophisticated HR and L&D strategies.

Not exact matches

The rise of companies like Uber and Instacart is only part of a larger trend in the ways Americans work, away from full - time employment and toward «contingent» freelance jobs, according to a new study by financial services company Intuit and consulting firm Emergent Research.
A new study prepared by my company, Intuit, in partnership with Emergent Research projects that 9.2 million people will be working on - demand jobs by 2021.
Temasek led the round, and was joined by investors including Northwell Health Ventures, New York - Presbyterian, Varian Medical Systems, GE Ventures, Fosun, DNA Capital, Emergent Medical Partners and ORI Capital.
Narendra Modi has his hands full guiding the world's largest democracy towards more business - friendly policies, but the signs point to an emergent India in the new year.
Bitcoin has the potential to be the basic infrastructure on which emergent blockchain applications are built upon and play a major role in our new economy.
They invest in visionary founders, transformational technology and emergent ecosystems for a new world.
As mainline Protestantism ceased to be a culture - forming force in American public life, the void was filled by a new Catholic presence in the public square and, perhaps most influentially in electoral terms, by the emergent activism of evangelical, fundamentalist, and Pentecostal Protestantism in what would become known as the Religious Right» a movement that has formed a crucial part of the Republican governing coalition for more than a quarter - century.
In the end, the authors of Why We're Not Emergent are not making a case for a new kind of Christianity.
Right before the RV rolled out for the summer long book promotion tour by Jossey Bass as the funding publisher, with Mark Scandrette and Doug Pagitt, the Church Basement Roadshow to promote the new book Dispatches from the Emergent Frontier, I was sat down to sign some insurance documents.
(I do think that ironically the new pope might be closer to it than US - emergent anyway) It will probably not start in English and might not be visible on the internet.
But I hope we can stay engaged for the sake of a healthier future for all of what was once known as the «emerging» ministry movement from which New Calvinism / Mars Hill, Emergent Village / Emergent, missional, post-evangelical, progressive, and other movements sifted themselves out.
A culture, even one of long duration, is modifiable by human effort under the impact of a new ideology — witness the radical transformation of China under Communist influence or the other revolutionary changes now taking place in the Orient from an emergent nationalism.
Therefore we must postulate the presence in our emergent universe of a field of organizing factors, extraneous to triggering circumstances, that allow new types of order and functioning to burst forth and to persist.
Since that time, though, I've mellowed and fully embraced my new, amazing life as an emergent church planter.
I haven't heard any new theological thinking from the Emergent church that couldn't be found in mainline theological seminaries ten years earlier.
He was aware also of the theories in emergent evolution that were then appearing, 2 and considered these to be of a piece with the configurative thinking which the new physics and modern metaphysics were employing.
They yield a «More,» in William James's words, that is not the sum of the parts but a new creation, an emergent quality or character.
For example, what has come about in the shift of imagery exemplified in the new physics and in emergent thinking generally represents not so much a reaction as a radical reconception of fundamental notions, altering the modern consciousness itself.
Something qualitatively new and irreducible has been added at each emergent level.
He quotes physicist Brian Swimme: «The universe shivers with wonder in the depths of the human,» and points out that this sense of an emergent universe identical with ourselves gives new meaning to the Chinese sense of forming one body with all things.
Christian «new being» is an emergent from transfigured relationality.
Performance studies is an emergent discipline that can break open the words «art» and «communication» in fresh ways for homiletics and help it to tread on new conceptual ground.
Emergent as a movement has never sought to be a brand, much less a new denomination, but instead is a friendship network among members of several church bodies.
This emergent new cosmology is both richer and more hopeful than anything that can be found in either the «Church of Darwin» or «design theology.»
In their early days, when the Emergent Church was vying with the new Calvinism for pole position in the American evangelical world, they launched regular, and often very thorough, critiques of the Emergent leaders.
Conversely, I will not point my finger at any house church, emergent movement, or any other gathering that seems to look more like a New Testament church and declare: «You have the biblical and historical right to exist!»
We don't have any new - fangled Emergent churches out here in the cornfields, so if you plan to attend church here and consider yourself in any way progressive, you will have to compromise and figure out how to love and learn from people you disagree with.
However, this «new kind of reality,» who is Jesus, is an emergent manifestation of God in human life emanating from within creation: «a unique manifestation of apossibility always inherently there for human beings by virtue of their potential nature being created by God... a new mode of human existence emerged through Jesus» openness to God making him a God informed human being» (ibid).
-- Will This Rock in Rio by Ken Lottis — Attack Upon Christendom by Soren Kierkegaard — Plan B by Pete Wilson — Electing Not to Vote edited by Ted Lewis — The Sacred Journey by Charles Foster — Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card — UnChristian by David Kinnaman — Resurrection of the Son of God by NT Wright — Church Without Walls by Jim Petersen — Repenting of Religion by Greg Boyd — Spontaneous Expansion of the Church Roland Allen — Unlearning Church by Michael Slaughter — The Open Secret by Lesslie Newbigin — When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert — The Ministry of the Spirit by Roland Allen — The Mission of God by Christopher J.H. Wright — An Emergent Theology for Emerging Churches by Ray S. Anderson — Provacative Faith by Matthew Paul Turner — Transforming Mission by David Bosch — The Roman Empire and the New Testament by Warren Carter — I'm Fine with God; It's Chrsitians I Can't Stand by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz — Jesus and Empire by Richard A. Horsley — Simply Christian by NT Wright — Jesus, the Jewish Theologian by Brad H. Young
Perhaps, many suggest, it's a basic rule or pattern of this universe that It gives rise to ever more complex states of affairs, ever new and different emergent realities.
The theory of emergent evolution says that such new properties simply emerge.
In C. Lloyd Morgan's terminology, Whitehead seems to hold that human mind and self - consciousness are «resultants»; novel reorganizations of potentialities and principles present from the beginning and common to all; whereas for Morgan himself, by contrast, mind represented an emergent quality, wholly new, different and inexplicable in terms of what had come before.
2 Morgan (EEV) contrasted «emergents» with «resultants — the latter indeed being new qualities explained on the basis of evolutionary continuity (a novel rearrangement of previously - existing components).
Already the country falls prey to new threats — when I was last there a plague of mosquitoes was spreading dengue fever, relatively new to the country but estimated by the World Health Organization to he the great emergent disease of this century as growing warmth and moisture expand the range of Aedes egyptii, the mosquito in question.
For creativity not only integrates past occasions into a new occasion but also constitutes a fundamental ontological togetherness wherein the subjective creativity of emergent occasions is relevant to the facts of past occasions.
Finally, it is unclear how salient an efficient cause must have been and how decisively a new feeling must conform to that cause in order for us to say in a precise and nonarbitrary way that an emergent habit has been manifested under «pertinent conditions.»
Some philosophers have criticized the notion of emergent properties by arguing that, in order for a truly new property to emerge, it would have to be logically impossible to predict its existence, prior to its emergence.
Leclerc asserts the notion of emergent properties resulting from action in several places, and he is quite clear that these emergent properties are not mere mixtures of the properties that go to make them up; they are new creations, qualitatively different from their constituents.
In the mode of being felt the divine presence in the universe is a lure or power of persuasion continually offering new possibilities of intensity and harmony to patterns of events in cosmic becoming.16 «God» is a word we may use to refer to the radical source of novelty and order in the emergent universe.17 Without such a source of novelty and order we may well ask whether there would be any emergence at all.
Faith is simply a confident receptivity to and active appropriation of new possibilities of emergent order.
«2 An emergent universe is an evolutionary one in which each successive phase adds something qualitatively new.
In fact there must be a consistency and predictability at the lower level in order for the emergent pattern, the new integrating reality, to appear and to function.
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