Sentences with phrase «new energy strategy»

In a price - responsive system, however, rainy days could mean slightly higher energy prices, which could cause homeowners to scale back on energy consumption, says Ron Ambrosio of IBM * Research, a branch of the company researching new energy strategies
The program is currently on hold, with just enough funding for maintenance, while the government works on a new energy strategy that is due to be unveiled next month.
Given these possible changes, the new energy strategy will require significant investments to reduce the share of carbon - intensive power plants and increase the share of low - carbon energy.
The United States clearly needs a new energy strategy.
Given the WBG's poor energy lending record and its significant role in climate finance, it is clear the institution needs a new energy strategy that puts it on a new course that reflects the realities of the climate - constrained world in which we live.
However, the institution has been unable to agree on a new energy strategy after a two - year revision process.
Given that Japan has fallen behind the global trend of rapid expansion of renewable energy, the new energy strategy should be designed to move up the government's clean energy agenda.
IEA urges Poland to clean up its energy sector while balancing energy security, environment and affordability requirements Poland's new energy strategy should put the country on a pathway towards a cleaner energy system while strengthening energy security 25 January 2017
As a part of a new energy strategy which will cover the Bank's lending, the Bank agreed that it will only fund coal projects in «rare...
Moreover, they have been tainted by public skepticism of the 2009 stimulus; anything that connects a new push on energy technology to that now unpopular policy will make a new energy strategy much harder to sell.
This coming year will also see new wind energy contracts awarded in Ontario, a new Energy Strategy in Quebec, and a new climate change framework in Alberta that may open the door to accelerated wind energy development in that province.»
Potential for Greater Energy Efficiency The State Energy Policy rightly makes energy efficiency the primary focus of the new energy strategy.
In a review of Estonian energy policies launched today, the International Energy Agency commended Estonia for its commitment to implement a new energy strategy by mid-2014, reforming energy markets, and expanding renewable energy sources and research and development efforts.
The IEA Survey raises concerns about the new Energy Strategy's insistence on reducing the share of natural gas in electricity generation in order to reduce Russia's heavy dependence on natural gas.
Brian Dowd, ESB's products and services manager, talks about the company's new energy strategy and the launch of the next phase of their Halo programme.
The final version of Connecticut's new energy strategy and the bills that would implement it are before the legislature.
In her view, a new Canadian government after Oct. 19 would need to unveil a new energy strategy that respects First Nation land and title rights, as well as providing skills training for workers currently employed by the fossil fuels sector, in order to allow a smooth transition to «green collar» jobs.
«We are prepared and ready to move forward on a new energy strategy that the American people desperately want but for which there's been insufficient political will,» Obama said recently.
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