Sentences with phrase «new frontier in»

Faux - leather, saddle - stitching and buckles — this cast - metal bedstead creates a striking focal point and a new frontier in the bedroom.
Just a few years after setting its sights on South America as the new frontier in mall development, U.S. shopping center REIT DDR decided to pull the plug on its joint venture with local partner Sonae Sierra Brazil.
Couples today are confronting a new frontier in the basic understanding of what marriage is all about.
Emotion isn't a new frontier in business, of course; sentiment analysis and emotional branding have been in practice long before they were formalized.
«We believe that predictive coding is the new frontier in document review,» said Tom Palladino, President of NightOwl.
Quite a bit, actually, Forbes Magazine contributor Patrick Spenner points out in his article that engagement is important... but that the new frontier in 2013 for consumer brands is... SIMPLICITY.
With the use of appropriate statistical methods and careful attention to the complexities of data analytics, corporate litigants and Big Law can benefit from this new frontier in Big Data.
While the financial industry has carved out a brand - new frontier in high - speed, algorithm - based trading many individuals prefer to hold onto stock for longer than fractions of a second.
Amid this new frontier in climate science, one thing is virtually certain: global warming has not stopped, despite what Fox News tells you.
The great new frontier in the global fight against poverty is access to electricity.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided went from one of the most exciting games of 2016 to that garish new frontier in hostile pre-order strategies.
It looks like League of Legends is getting ready to take things to the new frontier in the latest trailer that features their newest character Vel» Koz, the Eye of the Void.
Freediving is the new frontier in underwater exploration.
The numbers would suggest digital assets, including loyalty points, are a new frontier in estate planning.
I am the happiest of midlist authors today for having made the leap from traditional to the new frontier in publising, that which rewards the reader and the writer more so than the gatekeepers of old.
Eating is a multisensory experience, yet chefs and scientists have only recently begun to anatomize food's components, introducing a new science called molecular gastronomy and a new frontier in the possibilities of the kitchen.
Honda executive Frank Paluch said, «The creation and deployment of advanced, intelligent transportation systems represent the new frontier in the new effort to one day eliminate traffic collisions, injuries, and fatalities.»
The Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) Program, which began in the 2011 - 2012 school year, is the new frontier in school choice.
Some teachers say it's the new frontier in learning and one that has proven very effective, while others have tried it and discarded the technique.
Transforming that result is the new frontier in the long struggle for freedom.
What comes next (no spoilers here) represents a brave new frontier in comedy, and director Gillian Robespierre tackles it head - on, with side splitting results.
Gravity is less a feature film than cinema as experience: a new frontier in filmmaking that will likely appeal to studios trying to attract people to movie theaters.
The raucous, raunchy Deadpool 2, which opens in wide release Friday, is a fitting sequel to the wry and self - referential original, a superhero film billed as a new frontier in superhero cinema that took the box office by storm in 2016.
The recent FDA approval of a gene therapy for leukemia treatment marks a new frontier in medical innovation for the field of cancer immunotherapy.
While progress has been made in imaging of the brain, spinal cord imaging remains a new frontier in research and clinical practice.
«Accessing high - power pulsed magnetic resonance at magnetic fields up to 32 Tesla coupled with frequencies up to 4.5 terahertz will create a new frontier in high magnetic field science.»
Regulatory T - cell therapy represents a promising new frontier in the immunotherapy of autoimmune disorders, especially for patients who have been refractory to available treatments.
What followed is an illuminating tale of how one woman's intersection with experimental research helped open a new frontier in cancer treatment — with approval of a drug that, for the first time, capitalizes on a genetic feature in a tumor rather than on the disease's location in the body.
«Robotic therapy is a new frontier in the treatment of individuals with spinal cord injury, stroke and other conditions that result in motor deficits,» explained Steven Kirshblum, M.D., Medical Director and Director of Spinal Cord Injury Services at Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation (
The Large Hadron Collider is really your pioneer setting out into the new frontier in trying to just find out what's there; and the ILC, this new one if it's built would be the, kind of, the consolidator.
This technology could open a new frontier in wireless communication with data rates ten times higher than current technology allows.
An alternative approach is to cause rapid cell aging and induce premature senescence, which we believe could become a new frontier in cancer drug development.»
«Understanding this previously ignored part of the human genome, its role in human development, and how it may be taken over by disease, opens a new frontier in science with important implications for medical advances,» said Philipp Kapranov, Ph.D., lead researcher at the St. Laurent Institute.
Regenerative medicine represents a new frontier in science, which seeks to understand the mechanistic basis of tissue aging, repair, and regeneration and to leverage this knowledge to improve human health.
Physicists have devised a new method of investigating brain function, opening a new frontier in the diagnoses of neurodegenerative and aging related diseases.
According to Dr. Lacruz, this new frontier in enamel biology brings closer to reality the possibility of regenerating enamel which in the long run will benefit people who suffer from enamel - formation disorders.
Going deep If 55 Cancri e is in fact a lava world, it could open a new frontier in studying exoplanets.
In a research paper published in April last year, Chinese scientists described how they were able to manipulate the genomes of human embryos for the first time, which raised ethical concerns about the new frontier in science.
The Tenant Protection Unit (TPU), established by Governor Cuomo in 2012, created a new frontier in enforcement of the rent laws.
The alliance represents a new frontier in relations between Puerto Rican and Dominican politicians and increases opportunities for Latinos to win more citywide and statewide offices.
The human microbiome and the great obstetrical syndromes: A new frontier in maternal - fetal medicine.
This is a new frontier in recipe - based Advertising.
Producing «clean» meat by culturing cells — instead of raising or slaughtering animals - is a new frontier in food production that will require consumer education and transparent labeling.
Producing «clean» meat by culturing cells — instead of raising or slaughtering animals - is a new frontier in food production, but will it require a new regulatory framework, and what should we call it?
Just as the deism of Tom Paine posed a problem for the Churches as a new frontier in thought, so did the physical frontier present the Churches with a challenge.
We're entering a new frontier in medical innovation with the ability to reprogram a patient's own cells to attack a deadly cancer.
With 60 % to 70 % of purchase decisions being made before there is direct sales involvement, this is the new frontier in B2B Marketing and Sales.
VR has opened a new frontier in fundraising by immersing potential donors in faraway worlds and situations that are often difficult to empathize with or imagine.
«Virtual reality is a new frontier in filmmaking and our vision for VR is to connect audiences and experiences in a way that were not possible before,» Guido Voltolina, Nokia's head of presence capture, said in a statement.
As CEO of a company offering temporary furnished housing — a new frontier in its own right — I've seen both the benefits and the potential pitfalls of carving out a new arena in the on - demand economy.
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