Sentences with phrase «new game in town»

It would have been fair to call digital voice assistants the hot new game in town a few years ago.
If you're tired of hearing about how the millennials are changing work for the rest of us, good news: Millennials aren't the newest game in town anymore.
Market volatility has become a new game in the town since last several weeks, providing great buying opportunities to a patient investor.
You will get so much further if your behavior (gently) tells your child that there's a new game in town.
I agree with your point that there's a new game in town and it's we the people.
«Last time round it was a new game in town, new boundaries which people were not totally au fait with,» she says.
There is a new game in town: take it or leave it.
It looks like volatility is becoming a new game in the town.
Because there's a new game in town.
While Global Cool's got the new game in town in terms of climate change video, the Convenient Truths contest is still underway.
Cap and trade with carbon emission permits is the new game in town... the new way to suck more blood out of us.
You couldn't ask for a better example of the difference between a lawyer - oriented firm and a client - oriented firm, between a culture that thinks lawyers still call the shots and a culture that understands there's a new game in town.
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