Sentences with phrase «new generation capacity»

In particular, it highlights the need for an estimated 7,000 megawatts (MW) of new generation capacity annually to meet the continent's growing energy demands.
But even if the country can reduce the growth in electricity demand substantially, it will still need new generation capacity, much of it to replace old, inefficient plants.
A better understanding of the available options, alternatives, and impacts will be helpful to determine whether these investments could be less controversial than installing new generation capacity.
About 40 percent of renewable energy investment went into asset financing of new generation capacity.
DTE and Consumers Energy had, therefore, pushed legislators to add a «capacity charge» to the electricity sold by alternative energy suppliers to help fund DTE and Consumer's investments in new generation capacity.
Worldwide, solar and wind continue to be the fastest growing sources of new energy, both are growing at record - smashing double - digit rates every year, both set records for new generation capacity added in 2009.
Together with our partners, we work to add new generation capacity, connect homes, hospitals and businesses to the electricity grid and deliver power to communities who live beyond the national grid,» remarked Mr. Hendrix.
LONDON / OSLO Chinese solar power led a record 157 gigawatts (GW) of new renewable energy capacity added worldwide last year, more than double the amount of new generation capacity from fossil fuels, a U.N. - backed report showed on Thursday.
But please, can we stop comparing today's mature, powerful wind and solar technologies which are already adding tens of gigawatts of new generation capacity worldwide every year, with sci - fi fantasy nuclear vaporware?
The OPA was also tasked with procuring new generation capacity and demand management measures.
The Nordpool countries should also closely survey the growing need for new generation capacity.
As a result of Indonesia's move to a more electricity - efficient development trajectory, the pressure to build new generation capacity has declined.
Whether you are in government or out of government,» she said, but noted that Ghanaians need to start paying realistic prices for power because of the new generation capacities.
Solar power is a much smaller part of new generation capacity, but is growing even more rapidly than wind, with new installations in the second quarter of 2012 increased 125 percent from the second quarter of 2011.
He pushed the Legislature to compromise on a bill that would both ensure sufficient funding for new generation capacity and protect Michigan's electricity choice program.
«This current investment boom is worth AU$ 2.2 billion (US$ 1.64 billion), 1,000 MW of new generation capacity and almost 1,700 direct jobs, with many more benefits flowing into regional areas.
Five years ago the 1.9 GW of solar which was installed made up only 8 % of new generation capacity.
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