Sentences with phrase «new government policy»

Several business brokers praised other new government policies, such as provisions tucked into the recent economic stimulus package.
In the Outlook's «Reference Scenario», which projects energy trends in the absence of new government policies or accelerated deployment of new technology, world primary energy demand is set to rise by 59 % from now till 2030.
And with China's new government policies attempting to cool down its real estate market, following a property boom during the past 18 months, Chinese buyers are now finding it harder than ever to purchase property in major cities across China.26 Nevertheless, despite policy tightening, Chinese property demand remains strong.
«This isn't just about Balcombe, important though that is, it's about a whole new government policy to do with getting more and more fossil fuels out of the ground.
1B Calls for there to be effective consultation with the party at large, through its democratic structures, when new Government policies are proposed, which are not included in the Coalition agreement, and which conflict with Lib Dem policy or principles
New government policies since the last review, including the definitive guidelines for the sentencing of environmental offences, the code for crown prosecutors, the victims» rights to review and government guidance on the economic growth duty.
Read to know how ULIP customers will benefit from new government policies.
Drone supporters railed against a new government policy unveiled on Monday that requires people who own drones to pay a $ 5 registration fee.
A new government policy would allow tribes to «possess, use, wear or carry» federally protected birds or bird feathers.
the question was asked about this issue and our company told us that this was under the new government policy..
Services risk losing state funding unless they adhere to a new government policy which says lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people should not be turned away.
This was part of a new government policy after elections, so many roads were widened during those years, not just the A2.
In four years» time, then, if not earlier, Liberal Democrat members of the Downing Street policy unit will have little motivation to work on new Government policies - since they can't be implemented within the remaining twelve months.
The NSABB said that its decision was informed by a new government policy that could facilitate earlier review of «dual - use» research that can both benefit the public and be misused to threaten public health, agriculture or the environment.
As a more ultimate solution, Serrouya and colleagues used a new government policy and treated it as an experiment, to maximize learning.
Funding requirements, new government policies, or budget realities may force organizations to alter components of a program model, complicating the assessment of its implementation.
They look at Canada's minsky moment, the new government policies and the impact on the Canadian banks.
The agency bases its findings on a reference scenario that assumes no new government policies are introduced.
Before DECC, Mr. Millard's managerial experience included the reform and modernisation of statistics in the States of Jersey and, as Director of Energy Statistics and Energy Efficiency at the UK Department of Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, work on the development of the understanding of options to decarbonise heat use that ultimately led to new government policies.
This appeal concerned a challenge to the decision by HM Treasury («HMT») to use National Savings and Investments («NS&I») to provide the necessary accounts services for HMRC to deliver the new government policy of tax - free childcare («TFC»).
If I use it for a general announcement of a new government policy, everyone should know that I'm pretending to be the «Ministry of Truth» from 1984.
But, thanks to years of stability and new government policies, once out - of - control inflation is down and both countries are expanding.
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