Sentences with phrase «new government program»

Revenue from the carbon tax would go directly to taxpayers instead of toward new government programs.
There are several new government programs that have been launched or are expected to launch to help prospective homeowners.
New government program gives thousands of students with advanced degrees a temporary spot in an economy trying to rebound
Lest anyone think Taylor is simply a free - market advocate, he also calls for «new government programs designed to foster cooperation among the haves and have - nots in higher education.»
@blip Democrats do regularly campaign on a platform of adding new government programs and increasing regulation.
In the corporate marketplace, there are scores of vendors and consulting firms with deep and extensive experience with various types of project management, from Six Sigma to jet aircraft development to implementing new government programs.
Cleveland has also benefited from a new government program that has awarded more than $ 160 million in tax credits to the city's development projects, leveraging almost $ 1.5 billion in redevelopment, according to CBRE, a commercial real estate services company.
He was handing out brochures telling them about the new government program that he pushed through, all the subsidies that they would qualify for, and reminded that them non compliance would result is a fine.
New York State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie opened the 2016 legislative session with a speech about the Democrats» legislative agenda for the year, which includes a tax hike on the rich, minimum wage increases and new government programs to help families pay for child care and family leave.
ALBANY — A tax hike on the rich, minimum wage increases and new government programs to help families pay for child care and family leave are on the Assembly Democrats» agenda for the year, advancing different priorities than Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and potentially setting up a clash on taxes.
Starting today, a new government program will provide incentives to lenders in an effort to promote short sales and forestall further foreclosures (click on the link for more information on short sales).
TORONTO — Eligible Ontario households will be able to get smart thermostats for free on a first - come, first - serve basis under a new government program.
Eligible Ontario households will be able to get smart thermostats for free on a first - come, first - serve basis under a new government program.
Students who are employed but earn less than $ 65,000 per year may qualify for a new government program called «income - based repayment,» which offers a sliding scale of monthly payments that are calculated according to your family size and annual income.
The firm claims this is made possible because of a new government program or other such vague claims.
We have all heard the radio ads, seen the TV commercials or the internet ad about a new government program available for a limited time to help Canadians reduce their debt.
Many falsely claim that this option is now made available by a new government program or policy sponsored by U.S. President Barak Obama (read about what Obama Student Loan Forgiveness really is).
A new government program will help farmers buy solar - powered pumps if they switch to water - saving drip irrigation.
They see that it's not a new government program, it's not a tax.
Those looking for work should also expect educational jobs and new government programs to help retrain the state's workforce.
The hang - up for many short sellers has been second liens, but the new government program gives first lien holders incentives to share and offers second lien holders and investors a $ 6,000 cash incentive.
Other developers were able to parcel together deals by tapping new sources of equity, such as local banks and new government programs, to keep construction moving ahead.
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