Sentences with phrase «new international treaty»

A fully fledged new international treaty... I don't think that is going to happen.
This week, the Durban Platform working group (ADP) is convening in Bonn, Germany, for the first of three meetings in 2013, moving in earnest towards its 2015 deadline to agree a new international treaty to succeed the Kyoto Protocol and enter into force in 2020.
Scientists say that Mnemiopsis probably reached the Adriatic via ballast waters — something a new international treaty that comes into force next year should hopefully prevent in the future.
The report's «Top 10» list of recommended actions includes a new international treaty with strong monitoring and enforcement mechanisms; domestic and local regulatory actions, such as bans of the most common and damaging types of plastic litter; extended producer - responsibility programs; and the creation of an «ocean friendly» certification program for plastic products.
The brief describes the inadequacy of existing international legal mechanisms to resolve this litter crisis, calling on the global community to develop a new international treaty while also urging immediate action to implement regional and local solutions.
By FRED PEARCE On 1 March, negotiations begin for a new international treaty to limit the damage caused to the environment by acid rain.
On 1 March, negotiations begin for a new international treaty to limit the damage caused to the environment by acid rain.
In 2000, governments from around the world agreed on a new international treaty to prohibit the use of children as combatants.
Just as the trajectory for climate change at the moment is substantially determined by emissions of greenhouse gases emitted in decades past, prospects for climate legislation or a new international treaty are largely determined by bigger political and diplomatic realities shaped over generations.
Similar to the other two, except he says he'll «lead the world» toward a new international treaty.
«I suspect that it simply wants to manufacture doubt about the temperature records to create a distraction while countries are negotiating a new international treaty to cut greenhouse gas emissions, to be agreed at a summit in Paris at the end of this year.»
The 645 - page rule, expected to be final next year, is a centerpiece of President Barack Obama's plans to reduce the pollution linked to global warming, a step that the administration hopes will get other countries to act when negotiations on a new international treaty resume next year.
Participants wondered whether the U.N. Security Council or a new international treaty might eventually regulate geoengineering, but to cover experiments on the shorter term, scientific societies, national science academies, or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were each proposed as possible venues for some sort of geoengineering accord.
A timetable was accepted to pave the way toward the establishment of a new international treaty in 2015 that will force developed countries to spend untold billions more to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
When world leaders meet in Paris this December to agree on a new international treaty on climate change, their goal will be to keep atmospheric warming to 2 degrees Celsius, the point after which catastrophic climate change will be nearly inevitable, scientists say.
Dateline 3 February 2015 — The Top UN Climate Change Official is optimistic that a new international treaty will be adopted at Paris Climate Change conference at the end of the year.
The best way to look at the new international treaty on global warming is as an early step in a process that is just beginning.
It is vital and urgent that all stakeholders work together to secure a new international treaty before these weapons are unleashed.
A prohibition on machines making life - and - death decisions must either be made explicit and / or established and codified in a new international treaty.
«Countries that agree with the need to retain human control of weapons systems should move swiftly to adopt national policies and laws and to negotiate a new international treaty prohibiting fully autonomous weapons.»
The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots is calling for a new international treaty to prohibit the development, production and use of fully autonomous weapons.
Binding legislation is required in the forms of a new international treaty and national laws to retain meaningful human control over future weapons systems and individual attacks.
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