Sentences with phrase «new interventions»

While the findings are mixed, this is consistent with many studies of new interventions in yoga and elsewhere in which researchers are eager to test the effects of their newly developed protocols.
How can the study of biological processes help design new interventions for children with severe antisocial behavior?
Participants will be enabled to develop new intervention plans to use with very challenging clients.
While much more research is needed, there is exciting potential here for new interventions in clinical situations.
Despite limitations, it has identified new interventions with high potential benefits and confirmed the potential of some of the current priorities.
Participation in this workshop will add new interventions to use with clients and to facilitate a deeper experience of the Child modes.
Even after all these years I continue to learn about new interventions that can help our children.
But some practitioners, working with leading - edge researchers, have developed specific new interventions and treatment protocols that are getting quicker, more targeted results.
New conflicts will inevitably arise and require new interventions for resolution.
In addition to offering new insights into the biology of schizophrenia, this finding also provides a potential way to test the effectiveness of new interventions.
Understanding these concepts helps us better understand clinical medicine, develop new interventions and ultimately care for patients more effectively.
To achieve this goal FOI practitioners and researchers are co-designing and testing new intervention strategies in collaboration with families receiving services, particularly focused on improving the caregiving environment by strengthening the executive functioning, self - regulation skills and mental health of parents and providers.
MANHATTAN — Mayor Bill de Blasio is giving extra funding to 130 of the city's failing schools to allow them to hire guidance counselors, create new intervention programs, add advanced placement classes or create other programs tailored to meet their school's needs, he announced Monday.
It can be used to design new interventions not only for sleepy teenagers but also for adults who suffer from delayed sleep phase disorders or people who are not synchronised to the 24 - hour day at all.
(2014), in addition to several new interventions by the artist, are on presentation at the Castello di Rivoli, while the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo hosts the work «Safe Conduct» (2016), which focuses on our passage through strict control systems in airports that infringe on our privacy while providing a sense of safety, is presented in the new architectural design of the Fondazione Sandretto.
«The list includes both socio - demographic factors that indicate which dialysis patients will require particular attention and factors that can be addressed with new intervention strategies,» they wrote.
Evaluation of current in - hospital complications and mortality data among extremely preterm infants is important in counseling families and considering new interventions to improve outcomes.
This could be done by improving prevention efforts and creating new interventions, and by improving early detection and management of the disease to help more people remain in good health so that they can continue to work,» says Professor Atun.
East Hanover, NJ — March 15, 2018 — Kessler Foundation has been awarded an $ 857,600 sub-award from the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), to study a promising new intervention for upper limb dysfunction after spinal cord injury (SCI).
Hales Gallery is pleased to announce Hew Locke's The Tourists, a major new intervention at HMS Belfast, London, organised by the Imperial War Museums (IWM) in conjunction with Locke's solo exhibition at IWM London.
Professor Lewis's research interests focus on new interventions for people with schizophrenia and psychosis, including the use of new technologies.
Training classroom and resource preschool teachers to develop inclusive class interventions for children with disabilities: Generalization to new intervention targets.
Emphasis is on clinical research, but recently we initiated pre-clinical studies to pilot new interventions and to enhance our understanding of tretament processes.
«If we're going to try to bump it up to the next level, we're going to need new interventions.
In the 1800s Afghanistan faced new intervention from the British Empire and Czarist Russia.
«Further studies of Lin28 will teach us important lessons about kidney development and point to potential new interventions for kidney disease.»
Further research and controlled trials will be needed to better understand anxiety and depression in wAMD patients and develop new intervention tools at patient and clinical level to reduce symptoms and improve quality - of - life.
Now, new studies suggest the gut microbiome plays a critical role in infant growth — sometimes promoting it even in the absence of sufficient calories — providing tantalizing, if preliminary, clues about possible new interventions.
«Our research highlights the need to broaden clinical investigations and animal studies to include both males and females to better guide new interventions,» Singer adds.
«We have uncovered a fundamentally new intervention strategy that can dramatically affect recovery of voluntary movement in individuals with complete paralysis even years after injury,» said Susan Harkema, Ph.D., Owsley Brown Frazier Chair in Clinical Rehabilitation Research at the University of Louisville, rehabilitation research director at KSCIRC, Frazier Rehab Institute, director of the Reeve Foundation's NeuroRecovery Network and primary author of The Lancet article.
Its strategy draws on advances in the biological, behavioral, and social sciences to: (1) identify causal mechanisms that influence developmental trajectories; (2) formulate theories of change about how to produce better outcomes; and (3) design and test new intervention approaches and measure their effectiveness in reducing barriers to learning and strengthening the foundations of lifelong physical and mental health.
These communities can and should engage in critical conversations around new interventions found in literature, assessing its applicability in their school context.
Spanning three decades and featuring over 30 international artists, the show presents highly influential works alongside future greats and new interventions within the gallery's unique architecture.
Leo Villareal presents new interventions in different public spaces in New York City.
REUBEN LOOYENGA — IL QUOTIDIANO ALTERATO New Interventions on Everyday Texts 8th — 23rd December 2010, PRIVATE VIEW: 8th Dec, 7 - 9 pm Reuben Looyenga's premier show at Sartorial Gallery, IL QUOTIDIANO ALTERATO, «The everyday altered» is an exhibition relating to the details that make up the moments of a day.
While there are many programs out there, there are also many frustrated parents and teachers who don't see the results they had expected from them... Enter Superheroes to take on the Herculean task of saving social skills training, and you have a custom - designed program that soars to new intervention heights!
The time I used to spend worrying about what to do with my next client, focusing on due dates, planning activities for group therapy, and writing endless amount of progress notes and treatments plans, are now spent collaborating with other providers that my clients see, researching new interventions, attending trainings, finding community resources, and having time for myself and doing what I love outside of work (crazy, huh?!)
In this play therapy workshop, participants will learn how to use therapeutic tools that they already have, acquire new interventions for working with Transgender youth and their families and find out about resources available in the KC metro area.
Learn new interventions, improve your self of the therapist view, Understand ethics and develop your therapuetic style (call for rates).
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