Sentences with phrase «new jammies»

One of my favourite Christmas memories is waking up in the morning and seeing new jammies at the bottom of my bed.
I remember the last girl's trip I went on, most of us bought new jammies for the trip.

Not exact matches

These jammy, fig - swirled buckwheat scones are from Kim Boyce's inspiring new book, Good to the Grain, about baking with whole - grain flours.
The new flavors include: • Meyer Lemon Cleansing Tonic: A deep hit of sweet and tangy citrus • Ginseng Mandarin Cleansing Tonic: Zesty orange with a pleasant herbal finish • Elderberry Cleansing Tonic: A jammy and juicy infusion
Try out our new cashew - based Shortcrust butter this weekend and make yourself some amazing low - sugar, gluten - free, egg - free, high - protein Jammy Dodgers.
I also came up with another great new lamb kebabs recipe featuring a lean tender lamb loin marinated with greek yogurt, harissa, and mint, and then skewered with zucchini and sweet jammy figs.
Amanda's blog and her two books need no introduction... We're certain you thrill right along with us when a new round of Solstice Jammies or fresh corners debut!
I stayed home, in my jammies, and let people come and go as they pleased to visit the new baby.
For our recent girls getaway to Austin, Megan, Julie and I each picked out a new pair of jammies from Bedhead Pajamas.
i started this originally as motivation to get out of my daily uniform of jammies or sweats, but now i am encouraged and held accountable to put a few extra minutes aside for myself and try new things.
Jordan has outgrown her pjs, so I need to order her a new pair, but I love this tradition where we get everyone in matching Christmas jammies so much!
We also celebrated that morning with green jammies and a new toy!
What better way to welcome the new season than with a cool, comfy and chic «soccer mom outfit» because no matter how early the game is on Saturday morning you shouldn't be in your jammies or looking like something out of The Walking Dead.
Find new Christmas jammies for the family (Evan and I started this tradition and have had so much fun picking them out)
Growing up, my mom bought us new Christmas jammies every year and I always looked forward to opening them on Christmas Eve.
Some of my favorite Christmas traditions are going to go see the lights at Temple Square in Salt Lake City, UT and wearing new Christmas jammies with my siblings and reading the story of Christ's birth on Christmas Eve.
I look forward to getting new holiday jammies every year!
And... who would actually GO to an event hosted by Denise Richards??? I would rather grab takeout at McDonalds — quarter with cheese, supersized fries, AND a filet fish to wash it all down — in my jammies, with greasy hair and a face full of pimples, and wine dispensed from a spout on a box than waste a good dress and an even better pair of shoes ringing in the new year with Denise Richards.
You are in your jammies, its 1:00 AM and visions of new homes are dancing in your head.
«The pups adjust quickly to their new world... sometimes with help of a new coat or jammies
They're even building new ships with interconnecting rooms so parents and children have direct access without having to change out of their jammies.
I can work on my free - lance editing and writing at 6:00 a.m. if necessary or I can list new products in my Etsy shop at 11:00 pm in my jammies (if I can stay awake that late!)
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