Sentences with phrase «new job in academia»

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New initiatives in Europe are trying to help fill those gaps for displaced scientists unable to reintegrate into academia through a full - time job or fellowship.
At one session, which covered research careers in industry and the private sector, Lawrence Fitzgerald, vice president of neuroscience research at Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals in New York City, said he had started to consider a job outside academia when he realized he cared more about the science than the setting.
If you're sure you want to stay in academia, an up - and - running group is a good choice, because your adviser will be better able to help you find an excellent postdoc position — a necessity for a good academic job — than will a brand - new assistant professor.
Many new grads and postdocs find out early in the job search that there's a wall between academia and industry.
Although he jokingly admits, «Sometimes it's like a miracle to find the right job in academia because often it is difficult to predict where new positions will open in the next few years.»
Also useful was the motivation that comes from needing their new job or recalling a poor experience in academia.
Recognizing that more than a third of university faculty nationally has a spouse or partner who also works in academia, and another 36 percent have a partner employed outside of higher education, a new tri-state regional section of the national Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) will help dual - career couples find job openings within reasonable commuting distances of one another.
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