Sentences with phrase «new kind of risk»

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This new stream may well run dry, but it's the kind of risk that shows your leadership isn't afraid to make those shifts that can lead to big growth.
Wealth management now delivers higher profits even as new government regulations like the Volcker Rule crimp trading, and it does so without the kind of risk that alarms regulators and investors.
But it has been disappointing in that the kind of genetic variation it detects has turned out to explain surprisingly little of the genetic links to most diseases... One issue of debate among researchers is whether, despite the prospect of diminishing returns, to continue with the genomewide studies, which cost many millions of dollars apiece, or switch to a new approach like decoding the entire genomes of individual patients.The unexpected impasse also affects companies that offer personal genomic information and that had assumed they could inform customers of their genetic risk for common diseases, based on researchers» discoveries...
Despite innumerable private testimonies of help and solidarity given — often at great risk — to persecuted Jews, despite innumerable touching signs of friendship and fidelity that dismissed Jewish professors received from their students, no public protest has been made by any educational body; and some new corporative institutions, among the liberal professions, are willingly admitting a kind of numerus clausus.
«Our ability to do the kind of mixed - income building and neighborhood planning that's a sort of tent of our Housing New York plan is definitely at risk
Mr Clegg admitted both party leaders were taking «big risks» but said it would be a «new politics»: «It's a new kind of government, a radical, reforming government where it needs to be and a source of reassurance and stability at a time of great uncertainty in our country too.»
Any kind of new security system that curbs apps» sensor access presents «a real risk of breaking» legitimate apps.
The study, one of the most comprehensive of its kind, provides compelling new evidence that the A1c test can accurately gauge risk at an earlier stage than is currently recognized.
In the largest study of its kind, using Centers for Disease Control data on nearly 14 million linked infant birth and neonatal death data, term singleton U.S. births, researchers at New York - Presbyterian / Weill Cornell Medical Center found the absolute risk of neonatal mortality was 3.2 / 10,000 births in midwife hospital births, and 12.6 / 10,000 births in midwife home births, and it further increased in first - time mothers to 21.9 / 10,000 births in midwife home deliveries.
The new study — the first of its kind — demonstrates how wakefulness is connected to the relationship between alcohol use and suicide risk.
Combining genetic material can of course bring beneficial new combinations, but even for tiny organisms that are barely visible to the naked eye, mating is fraught with all kinds of hazards, such as a long wait for offspring, sexually transmitted diseases, and the risk of getting eaten during or after sex.
Vitamin C is known to keep some kinds of cell replication in check, so Benjamin Neel at the New York University School of Medicine probed its effects in mice engineered to have low TET2 activity and a high resulting cancer risk.
Previous research has reported a higher risk of heart attack among people with insomnia, but the new study is among the largest of its kind.
Eating a diet rich in fiber — especially the kind of fiber found in whole grains — reduces the risk of dying at an early age from a range of causes, a new government study suggests.
The transformation produces a new kind of fat, called trans fat, which increases blood cholesterol, the risk of arteriosclerosis, clogs the arteries and can even delay the infant development because of the mother's excess intake of trans fats.
«Sitting is the new smoking,» we're told, because it purportedly increases the risk of all kinds of disease and dysfunction (a claim that appears to be more wrong than right, by the way).
A new study shows that women who regularly drink coffee — the fully caffeinated kind — have a 20 percent lower risk of depression than nondrinkers.
Eating more of the «good» kinds of fat and less saturated fat may not be the best way to reduce the risk of heart disease, a new review suggests.
Just to give you some more kind of physiological reasons for why some of this might be happening, a New England Journal of Medicine study back in 1972 reported that the less salt people ate, the more their kidneys produced something called renin, which is a type of hormone which sends off a cascade of events which ends up in increasing our risk of heart disease.
«But we kind of also built a traditional game, like an entire traditional game, in the Cauldrons and in the bunkers [all underground], and it was a huge risk for us because we had to build completely new lighting technology and we had to design all these holograms too, to light those spaces and completely new art assets and gameplay and delivering narrative.»
July 1, 2011 • Rock critic Ken Tucker says that Beyonce's new album, titled 4, is something of a risk — it's not merely a collection of new songs, but a personal reassessment of the kind of pop star she wants to be.
Risk takers of all kinds have joined the effort to find new and better ways to structure nearly every aspect of teaching and learning.
But he warned that the government's introduction of a new league table measure - the English Baccalaureate - risked creating the kind of distortion that was being criticised in the current rankings.
It improves the Corolla's torsional rigidity by 60 per cent, claims Toyota, which together with the all - new suspension gives the sleek hatch the kind of engaging driver dynamics that may attract a different audience — not just risk averse buyers who want a return on their investment.
• Central access to rights metadata and content for international work groups • Accurate and timely compliance information to reduce risk of liability • Automated compliance checking; enterprise - wide monitoring • Seamless integration of content vendors (e.g. Corbis, Getty, Shutterstock) into your workflow via web APIs can be made possible • Enables the adoption of new kinds of content and license deals with ease
[ad #Left - Align Content Ad] Financial institutions are interested in knowing as much about you as possible, so that they can assess the kind of risk you pose, as well as so that they can figure out when to offer you new products and services.
Great article Nial, Hits the nail on the head with % of new traders that are Likely to succeed & why.I like the way you keep a «back to basics» approach to trading, promoting tried & tested risk & reward laws of trading essential to success Kind Regards - Andrew T.
Investors Reach for a New Kind of «Barbell» The traditional financial definition of a barbell investing strategy calls for investors to hold supersafe debt investments in one - half of a portfolio and high - risk ones in the other, while staying away from those in the mushy middle.
The risk you run in quickly meeting the spend, getting the bonus, and closing the card is running afoul of the new tightened up terms aimed at discouraging people from doing that kind of thing (not specifically with the Hilton cards).
Mm is at the top of their game risking everything on an entirely new «kind» of IP.
Get ready for a new kind of mobile card game with risk reward and tactical decisions a plenty.
Unless you have something completely unique and visionary to say about New York (I have yet to meet somebody in the flesh who does), any kind of Manhattan - fuelled artistic ambition runs the risk of turning you in to a «ligger».
When it comes to what kind of fraud is of most concern, the perceived risk of cybercrime to Canadian organizations is on the rise according to a new PwC report on economic crime.
New government agencies like the National Transportation Safety Board (1967), the Environmental Protection Agency (1970), the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (1971), the Consumer Products Safety Commission (1972), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1975), the Mining Health and Safety Administration (1977) and so on, began compiling that kind of data that made it possible to identify safety risks with common causes on a national scale that made it possible to prove that individual injuries were caused common defects traceable to large national companies or industries.
At the risk of making inappropriate suggestions, I do think the Justice who spoke this particular line might be able to engender a special kind of new fandom if in the future he were to suggest that the federal sentencing guidelines «exist in some kind of Middle Earth.»
My suggestion would be to adopt the kind of approach laid out by John F. Brown Jr. in a article about risk - sharing fee arrangements published last New Year's Eve.
The new edition was written as a kind of bridge to help move the legal community from the wake - up call of 2013 — when the first edition was released — to regular and ongoing cybersecurity risk analysis, Rhodes said.
For individuals in many organizations, it could mean that risks (suggesting change, launching a new product, revamping a process) are not taken in an effort to maintain some kind of status quo (continued employment for example).
The type of policy you take today may not be what you want in the future, you don't want to risk losing value, or having to take medical exams if you decide you want a new kind of policy.
While cancer insurance has recently become more popular among insurance consumers who acknowledge the overwhelming data supporting the risk of all kinds of cancer, it's actually not new to the insurance market.
Jetty offers a new kind of insurance designed to help people in cities reach their goals faster by removing obstacles and risks.
New India Assurance, a very trusted general insurance company provides a all round car insurance plan which provides almost all kinds of coverage which are needed to protect the vehicle from the risks and dangers associated with the accidents.
National statistics show that although New Brunswick is not much of a risk area for some kinds of common storms, high winds still produce many homeowner's claims, and locals need to check floodplains to make sure they don't need additional flood insurance.
Technically the new partnership means that all these businesses do not need to establish links with bitcoin companies themselves, which can carry all kinds of real and imaginary risks.
«We designed Haven for investigative journalists, human rights defenders, and people at risk of forced disappearance to create a new kind of herd immunity,» the app page says.
The open source, beta release was initially meant for «investigative journalists, human rights defenders, and people at risk of forced disappearance to create a new kind of herd immunity.
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