Sentences with phrase «new litter box location»

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We followed your suggestions about testing new litter boxes, locations, and types of litter — and it worked!
The general rule regarding litter boxes is one box per cat, plus one, so it may be advisable that you keep the new cat's box, but you may be able to move it if you prefer a different location.
She prepared the new litter box with the same type of litter and placed it in the same location.
Changing the Location of the Litter Box If you are changing the location within your home, leave a box in the old location and add one to a new lLocation of the Litter Box If you are changing the location within your home, leave a box in the old location and add one to a new locatiBox If you are changing the location within your home, leave a box in the old location and add one to a new llocation within your home, leave a box in the old location and add one to a new locatibox in the old location and add one to a new llocation and add one to a new locationlocation.
If your cat eliminates outside of its litter box over a period of time, it may develop a preference for the new location.
Add a new box in a different location than the old one and use a different type of litter in the new box.
In order to minimize unwanted elimination behaviors it may be necessary to try many different combinations of location, litter and box, until your cat is satisfied with its new litter box.
One box should remain in the current location and the other should present a new option of box, litter or location.
If you do need to move the litter box, food or water bowls, move them a little bit each day until they are in the new permanent location.
Move your cat's litter box to a new location, or add a few litter boxes in different locations at the same time.
If you want to change the litter, place the box with the new litter in a new location, but do not take away the old litter until your kitten is using the new brand.
Although not impossible, training him to use a new indoor area — and to stop going in the original area he was trained to use — is tricky, so avoid having to change the location of his papers, litter box, or training pads if at all possible.
Another solution is to leave the litter box in its original position and place another box in the new location.
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