Sentences with phrase «new microtubule»

Professor Cross said: «It has been known for some time that a team of proteins called TOGs sits on the tip of the growing microtubule track and works like a team of tiny railway workers to rapidly lay the new microtubule track.
The research group working at IBMC focused on the exact moment of cell division, when cells assemble a new microtubule network, which is then arranged as a very well - known structure: the mitotic spindle.
A team of researchers led by Alipasha Vaziri, an associate professor and head of the Rockefeller's Laboratory of Neurotechnology and Biophysics, has found that a molecular motor, called Kinesin - 14, helps to guide the formation of a new microtubule along an existing one, and so directs the formation of bundles.
The study, published on October 6 in Cell, describes how two proteins work together to guide the growth of a new microtubule along an existing one.
As this happens, new microtubules radiate out from a common center, extending in all directions as they lengthen.
It does so by severing the microtubules where they intersect with each other, creating new ends that can regrow and themselves be severed, resulting in a rapid amplification of new microtubules lying in another, more desired, direction.

Not exact matches

The altered movement of the microtubules apparently contributes to errors in chromosome segregation, and so represents a new explanation for age - related infertility,» stated CRCHUM researcher and Université de Montréal professor Greg FitzHarris.
«Not only is our physics - based simulation and animation system as good as other data - based modeling systems, it led to the new scientific insight that the limited motion of the dynein hinge focuses the energy released by ATP hydrolysis, which causes dynein's shape change and drives microtubule sliding and axoneme motion,» says Ingber.
«A better understanding of how microtubule dynamic instability is regulated could open new opportunities for improving the potency and selectivity of existing anti-cancer drugs, as well as facilitate the development of novel agents,» Nogales says.
Perhaps most crucially, when cells divide, microtubules form the spindle structure that first aligns the chromosomes in the middle of the cell then pulls them apart, so that each new cell gets one chromosome from each pair.
Dr. Stuart Hameroff, lead author on the new TUS study, said: «This suggests TUS may stimulate natural megahertz resonances in brain microtubules, enhancing not only mood and conscious mental states, but perhaps also microtubule functions in synaptic plasticity, nerve growth and repair.
A scaffold made of microtubules is crucial for pulling the duplicated halves of the chromosome apart and directing them to each of the new daughter cells.
«In addition to the new insights into plant cell microtubule organization, these observations of GCP - WD function will be of interest to scientists studying microtubules in animals, where GCP - WD has been challenging to observe it in action,» Ehrhardt added.
«Our study on the TACC3 - chTOG interaction will allow cellular biologists and researchers on microtubule dynamics to better understand how microtubule assembly is regulated during cellular division,» says Montoya, and he anticipates that «it could also help in developing new anti-microtubule drugs, providing more effective therapeutic options in cancer treatment.»
The tip - tracking TOG - TACC machinery acts as a catalyst of microtubule assembly, and it turns out, based on the new results, that TOG - TACC is a very unusual type of catalyst that stabilises its product (the microtubule railway) as well as speeding up its growth.
Kiyomitsu's latest work focuses on the next step of mitosis, called anaphase, when the microtubules tear the paired chromosomes apart so that one copy of each chromosome ends up in each of the new daughter cells.
Normally, enzymes inside neurons are constantly taking apart microtubules and building new ones with the recycled parts.
His group's paper in the Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical describes a new theoretical approach to study the effect of intermolecular interactions on the dynamics of motor proteins that move along cytoskeletal filaments known as microtubules.
By revealing how microtubule growth is catalysed, the WMS team expect their work to throw new light on the workings of a number of human diseases (for example, bowel cancer) linked to abnormalities in TOG - TACC function.
Before dividing, pairs of identical chromosomes line up in the middle of the elongated cell, and the microtubules, emanating out from the centrioles on either side, help pull the chromosomes in opposite directions so that each new cell receives one member of each chromosome pair.
With this new piece in place, the researchers can tackle new aspects of microtubule function and work toward applications in human health.
WAFL, a new protein involved in regulation of early endocytic transport at the intersection of actin and microtubule dynamics.
These include custom - built light sheet microscopy for single molecule and whole embryo measurements, laser ablation to perturb and dissect the architecture of microtubule structures, quantitative polarization microscopy, and new fluorescence correlation spectroscopy approaches.
Upon expression in dividing cells, survivin is rapidly recruited to various aspects of the mitotic apparatus, the scaffolding of microtubules that serve to physically separate and sort the proper complement of chromosomes into each of the two new cells that result from mitosis.
Over the years the mutations and the cells they affect have led us to study new channel proteins, new transcription factors, neurodegeneration, microtubule function and structure, neuronal outgrowth, insulin signaling, cellular ensheathment, and touch sensitivity to give just a partial list.
Our new study uses transcriptomics of cell fragments of the ciliate Stentor to reveal the importance of protein phosphorylation, microtubule - based processes and genes involved in the cell cycle for cellular regeneration.
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