Sentences with phrase «new mystery to»

Taking place in the icy wastelands to the north, it includes a brand new environment to explore, a new mystery to uncover, and dangerous new machines to hunt.
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds «most recent PC test for its upcoming third map, Sanhok, seemingly added a new mystery to the game in the form of golden treasure chests.
Walter Mosley's indelible detective Easy Rawlins is back, with a new detective agency and a new mystery to solve.Picking up where his last adventures in Rose...
For Mom, there is always a new place to visit, a new story to learn, a new mystery to solve.
According to the developers, Horizon: Zero Dawn — The Frozen Wilds will add «a new area to explore, new mysteries to uncover and new, highly lethal machines to take on.»
Far away, as the Portland, Oregon studio is taking its newest mystery to the stars.
It adds a whole new area to explore, new mysteries to uncover, and new highly lethal machines to take on.
According to the developers, Horizon: Zero Dawn — The Frozen Wilds adds «a new area to explore, new mysteries to uncover and new, highly lethal machines to take on,» so it will probably be worth checking out if you've seen everything the base game has to offer and you want more.
According to the PlayStation blog, «The Frozen Wilds» is «set in icy territories to the north, this new chapter of Aloy's journey adds a new area to explore, new mysteries to uncover and new, highly lethal machines to take on.»

Not exact matches

Faces are the first place we look when meeting someone new, bonding with someone or trying to recognize someone from afar; it's no mystery why we're attracted to them.
New technology is working to unravel that mystery, too.
To submit a guess, contestants can purchase Oreo's new «Mystery» package, taste the cookies and submit their answer on Oreo's website.
Nabisco's Oreo brand cookies just unveiled a new challenge: Correctly guess its new mystery flavor, and you could win up to $ 50,000.
Your company has invented and brought to market countless amazing things: life - changing medicines, new technologies that make virtually every aspect of our daily lives easier to manage, and even tools to probe the great mysteries of nature and human life.
«We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.
So, while it not only solved the mystery of how a new mining pool could command so much hash rate, it also lent instant credibility and one hell of a reference to ViaBTC.
But for some, the mystery surrounding Lending Loop shines a light on the fact that Canadian regulators have not come to a hard landing about whether — and how — the new business of peer - to - peer or marketplace lending should be regulated.
Through its host of customer experience (CX) solutions — ranging from customer surveys and mystery shopping programs to contact center services and social media monitoring — Market Force is empowering new and existing clients to protect their brands, delight customers and increase revenues.
A «mystery pooper» who left daily unwanted messes next to a New Jersey high school track was caught in the act — and revealed to be a school superintendent.
Subscribe to Science Solved It, Motherboard's new show about the greatest mysteries that were solved by science.
I'm brand new to the mystery shopping world and just received my first assignment from About Face to deposit a cashiers check into my account and let them know once complete so they can release the funds.
From Big Bang to Big Mystery: Human Origins in the Light of Creation and Evolution by Brendan Purcell New City Press, 370 pages, $ 34.95 Benjamin Disraeli famously asked whether man is «an ape or an angel» and answered that he himself stood «on the side of the angels.»
James Nuechterlein's medley of reviews of the three new Lincoln studies is particularly artful in weaving together so much that we have come to know about the mature Lincoln who led the Union through the war years, as well as pointing out those areas in which Lincoln will perhaps always be clothed in mystery or contradiction.
Catholic priest and writer Henri Nouwen names this new opportunity well: «I am also getting in touch with the mystery that leadership, for a large part, means to be led.»
When she delves into her own mystery, the Church, the People of God in the New Covenant, discovers her link with the Jewish People, 326 «the first to hear the Word of God.
I don't think after reading the gospels or the New Testament, we've mastered comprehension of God, that there's nothing more to learn about Him, that there's no more mystery.
The love of a man and a woman, lived out in the power of baptismal life, now becomes the sacrament of the love between Christ and his Church, and a witness to the mystery of fidelity and unity from which the «New Eve» is born and by which she lives in her earthly pilgrimage toward the fullness of the eternal wedding.»
Clearly we need to look at this phrase «paschal mystery» rather closely, and see if it is simply a new and concise way of expressing what the Church has always held about the Mass, or if it is indeed expressing a new conception of the Mass, and if so, whether this newconception can be justified.
We would not require an exhaustive knowledge of the New Testament to call to mind occasions in which we see Christ communicating the mystery through deeds and words in ways which remind us immediately of the sacraments.
For the future of the Church everywhere, too, what is most essential is the ancient yet ever - new message of Christianity, that is to say that in the darkness of this life the hearts of men must entrust themselves to that ineffable, adorable mystery of life which we call God in faith, hope and love and unconditional confidence in Jesus Christ our Lord.
It presents ever - new facets when in the course of the intellectual history of mankind it is confronted with ever - new human experiences, because it points to the infinite mystery of God as the centre of our own existence.
We shall try to say in summary form how the New Testament presents the mystery and the dilemmas of love without wholly resolving them.
It was particularly vital at those times in which man sensed the mystery of life and growth, namely birth, puberty, marriage and death, the sowing of crops, the spring lambing, the building of a new home, the going forth to battle.
Before the flourishing of Bultmann's career, New Testament scholarship had been dominated by literary criticism, which attempted to uncover the secret of how the texts were compiled; by investigation of the Hellenistic background, especially the mystery religions surrounding the early church, as part of a sociological critique of the history of religion; and by excitement about the apocalyptic content of the teaching of Jesus as a first century Jew.
The beauty of April is always surprising, always new — despite those who want to reduce the mystery to quantity and efficiency.
Moreover, Paul seems to be quite capable of taking certain words from the culture of the time, and packing new meaning into the word (such as agape, mysteries, and theopnuestos, to name a few).
For decades, the mystery surrounding the death of Sister Cesnik has haunted officials in Baltimore, but recent details — some uncovered this year in a new journalistic investigation — point to some extremely disturbing possibilities: The young nun may have been murdered because she was preparing to expose a horrific pattern of sexual abuse and even sex trafficking perpetrated by priests and involving law enforcement.
We are called to commit to this form of witness with an openness to the newer challenges of the mystery of God's grace.
Subsequently, the Scriptures and tradition become the constraining informational sources on which members of the Church rely in order to situate themselves in the presence of the promising mystery that gave new life to the disciples after the death of Jesus.
The Old as well as the New Testament has the astonishing power to speak of the divine in such a way that the I - thou character of the relation never darkens the transpersonal power and mystery of the divine, and vice versa.29
It is a language - game in a new dimension, and it has its own uses and meanings which point to a reality that includes a profound mystery, the mystery of life and death.
They seek to express in new ways the mystery of the transaction whereby Jesus Christ mediates salvation to those who believe.
«The discovery of a particle consistent with the Higgs boson opens the way to more detailed studies, requiring larger statistics, which will pin down the new particle's properties, and is likely to shed light on other mysteries of our universe.»
The mystery that can not be pinned down, but is known to us through a personal relationship, is speaking to us today in a new voice.
I like the way Alan Hirsch describe the «message» of the Bible as being «simplex» simple because it can be understood by a child and an illiterate peasant complex, because we'll spend our entire life always discovering new aspects of it, and struggling to know more and more God and Jesus, and «the mystery» which Paul was running after (Phil 3)
In this quite striking way the ancient myths did full justice to the reality and finality of death on the one hand and to the mystery, on the other hand, of how death gave rise to new life.
As for an «invisible» particle creating itself, you will first have to understand the basics of matter and dark matter and then understand that even though science has yet to unlock all the mysteries of quantum mechanics we do have many good working theories which allow us to refine our understanding as new data is discovered.
He had watched the sacred New Year procession; he had seen, for the pious but benighted Babylonian, a profound mystery taking place under the eyes of the beholder as Marduk and Nabu went out in solemn pilgrimage to the Akitu house, there to settle the fates of the incoming year; he had witnessed the annual festival in which Marduk triumphed over all his foes, cosmic and terrestrial, and himself died that life might once more return to the world.
Barbara Brown, pioneer biofeed - back researcher, reports that the new technology «points straight to the greatest mystery of all: the ability of the mind to control its own and the body's sickness and health.»
In many parts of the world, psychologists and psychotherapists are using biofeedback to throw new light on an age - old mystery — the relationship between the mind and the body.
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