Sentences with phrase «new parliamentary term»

Welfare reform will be at the heart of the new parliamentary term.
The extent of insults aimed at Miliband, emanating from No 10 on a matter as sensitive as response to the use of chemical weapons, suggests the prime minister has personally authorised a concerted counter-attack on the Labour leader as he seeks to divert blame before the new parliamentary term, which begins on Monday, and before a meeting of G20 leaders, including President Barack Obama, in Russia on Thursday.
Round two of the new parliamentary term's PMQs and there's still no making friends after the summer hols
As you may know, I told Bob Ainsworth some weeks ago that I intended to step down as parliamentary private secretary (PPS) to the defence secretary before the start of the new parliamentary term.
It hasn't been a good start to the new parliamentary term for Conservative housing minister Grant Shapps, who was revealed by the Guardian to have founded a family company selling software that increases a website's advertising revenue by manipulating search engines.
So after a frenetic fortnight of speculation of a «revenge reshuffle» where the leader was alleged to be planning to kick out those who disagreed with him over bombing Syria, what are the prospects of a smoother start to the new parliamentary term?
Those who worked hard to build relationships with the previous ministers can now use that leverage in the new parliamentary term.
The adoption reform continues to be a key priority for the government, and progress has been swift since the commencement of the new parliamentary term.
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