Sentences with phrase «new pastures»

The phrase "new pastures" refers to new opportunities or areas in life that are unexplored or unfamiliar. It means moving on from a current situation or trying something different in order to discover new experiences or achieve personal growth. Full definition
How will you transition your horse to his new home, new pasture mates, new schedule, new training, new routine?
I would not be heartbroken if he left for newer pastures because we have a good record with fullbacks over the years.
Hammond will likely be seeking new pastures in the summer but hasn't let anyone down in his small number of appearances.
Islam Feruz was an unused substitute in Hibs» 1 - 0 win at home to Raith Rovers and may well be moving onto newer pastures this month.
NestFresh recently launched an expanded line of new pasture raised eggs alongside a line of hard cooked eggs.
Also I personally think it is unlikely that Mikel Arteta will be given a new contract, but who are the players that YOU think will be off to new pastures next season?
Chances are now, that children, possibly, left on new pastures, and other, possibly, found the trip feet, and some accept days, and dating - but majority from them decided to go on it one's own way.
Openminded, open to new pastures goal oriented ex rugby, currently K1 kick boxing, normal work out at gym!
Techland have moved on to new pastures since working on Dead Island, but while it would seem logical to recommend Dying Light over a remaster of their first zombie games, there's a surprising amount of contrast between the two.
First Klaus regales me with tales of a recent development drive of the 2017 NSX in the Alps, where the foremost challenge on the narrow mountain passes proved to be pavement slick with cow manure, as the farmers were busy bringing their cattle to new pastures at lower elevations before the onset of winter.
Indie title MouseCraft began life as a Playstation console exclusive and PC game, however the game is getting set to move on to new pastures with an Xbox One and Wii U release salted to arrive in the...
With Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic onto new pastures, a rather sizeable hole needs filling before the start of the new season and with proposed...
The survey highlights a continued trend of lawyers seeking new pastures.
In announcing the new pasture requirements, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack emphasized that it «will give consumers confidence that organic milk or cheese comes from cows raised on pasture, and organic family farmers the assurance that there is one, consistent pasture standard that applies to dairy products» (USDA Office of Communications, 2010).
The Serbian international has been at Dortmund for the last 8 years so it is time that he sought new pastures, and has already informed the German giants that he is looking for a new club this summer.
Whether he upgrades Cleveland, leaves for new pastures, or creates a new superteam, there's no guarantee that he can overcome Golden State.
The day Wenger will tell him he's not playing because he must rest I bet you any money is the day he will look for new pastures.
Ox (new pastures for him).
The committee members are keener to move onto new pastures than they are to bang on about the old issues until they actually make an impact.
Sadly though, graduation came and they both moved on to newer pastures.
Im a young wild flower looking for the breeze to take me to new pastures.
Also, with this move, its will mark a change of policy at B&N as they no longer be seen chasing Amazon but is aiming higher and newer pastures.
To prevent reinfestation, move your horse to a new pasture that has not been grazed for a few months.
As part of its Europeanisation big, brash, bold new hotels are springing to cater not just for oil men, but they hope, tourists looking for a new pastures to explore.
There is even the new Pasture Golf Course.
You can climb almost anything - whether it's trees for apples, buildings for vantage points or cliffs for new pastures - so don't feel like a steep incline is a barrier to exploring.
And while I hated to lose him, I respect and admire his desire to move on to new pastures and business challenges.
As I worked with animals, I was expected to examine them for illnesses, administer vaccines, herd them to new pastures, place identifying tags, and give them their food.
The garden is getting ready for planting and our goats and soon to be horses are getting ready to enjoy our new pasture!
Typically, the original huts had a curved roof, stable door, high window and cast - iron wheels to allow them to be towed by horses to new pastures.
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