Sentences with phrase «new pen name»

I finally get this novel finished new pen name will have her first book.
The book was released under a brand new pen name (as part of my authority site project).
There is also a strong possibility that I may publish it under an entirely new pen name, although I can't guarantee that
I'm still busy publishing as much as ever under my regular name, so it's nice not to have upload new pen name ebooks at all of the vendors and change prices and blurbs across the board for sales.
So once this zombie horror novel is finished I'll start a new pen name for it, and keep pen name 1 for just the erotic romance (and maybe some mainstream romance).
Using three books to launch into a new genre or a new pen name, or at least committing to writing and publishing three before giving up.
However, with a new series in the works under a new pen name, promotion is going to be key.
So, after some back and forth, a new pen name was born.
I released three books so far (under a new pen name) and I'm having a blast, even if my numbers don't reflect it.
There's no vetting, editing, or oversight, and if your work is taken down you can always throw up more titles or simply concoct a new pen name and start over.
I think I am going to create a new pen name and spread it out to other stores to test the water.
Joe, you also never told us anything about your experiment with a new pen name and book genre that was not associated with the Konrath / Kilborn brand.
If it inspires them to pick up a new pen name and start another line on the side where the work has to speak for itself, fine.
She decided to try a more popular genre, and a new pen name.
Even if they do offer a new contract the advance will be much less, and they may require the author to use a new pen name.
I think I am going to create a new pen name and spread it out to other stores to test the water... KU will probably just fade away over the next few months as more and more writers abandon it...
If you want to tackle a different niche, just use a new pen name.
Yes, you can create a new pen name for different niches.
I released an ebook novella under a new pen name this summer with no advance promo and limited promo from my publisher afterwards.
«Because I wanted to write to an older audience, I decided to set up a new pen name.
ATA, I don't know who you think you're going to impress by suggesting anyone should look for «verbal» verification of anything important, but in the interests of not pretending to be someone you're not, I feel you need to come up with a new pen name — because, quite frankly your current one is more than a little bit pretentious!
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