Sentences with phrase «new poster boy»

Yahoo is expected to leave Tumblr safely in the hands of founder David Karp, the new poster boy for dropping out of high school at 15 and still managing to do all right.
Not to be shown up by Asensio, the new poster boy of Spanish football, Isco made the most of an injury to Gareth Bale to show he'd matured as a player.
«Dennis Skinner finds himself as Labour's new poster boy (at least in Barnsley) Main Nigel Adams MP: Help make Labour pay for their negative, backward - looking, disingenuous campaign in Barnsley Central»
He won Best Actor in Cannes way back in May 2012 and if the film wins its Oscar category in March 2014 The Hunt may well serve as the new poster boy reminder of how deeply strange global cinematic culture is in terms of distribution models.
Cody Banks may be the new poster boy for aspiring spies but his movie often proves to be a ready - made advertisement, especially for travel agencies eager to pick up tourists headed for European destinations.
The Jaguar F - Type is the new poster boy of recent times simply because it gives you thrills just by looking at it.
Xbox One really do have a new poster boy when it comes to its graphical quality.
Ultimately though, the survival - horror genre is in desperate need of a new poster boy, and Alan Wake just about fills that remit.
This thug is the NEW POSTER BOY FOR TERROR!The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree does it.Instead of villifying the process, how about looking at the DIRECT EVIDENCE that will prove KHADR guilty?I've got my own little poem about OMAR «WENT TO AFGHANISTAN TO BE A HERO, WOUND UP IN GITMO, NOW HE»S A ZERO!!!!
Smartwatches seem to be the new poster boy for «device categories that miserably failed» this year.
While the new poster boy for Apple is full of controversial and downright bizarre design choices, there is no doubt that when it comes to raw power, it's a beast and now we will take a look at the Geekbench scores revealed to us by ValueWalk to see just how powerful it really is in comparison to the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy Note 8.
Google launched a couple of new devices at its 4 October event, both of which are manufactured by HTC and both of which are the new poster boys for Android Nougat.
Not so with the Acer Zenbook UX305, however, which could well be the new poster boy for the... Read more
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