Sentences with phrase «new practice areas»

Any new offices or moves into new practice areas in the pipeline?
Many solo practitioners discover new opportunities for revenue by offering services in new practice areas.
Lawyers adopt new practice areas for all kinds of reasons.
You may want to grow geographically or eventually add new practice areas.
Fall is now is full swing, and in this month's roundup you'll see that our clients have been busy with speaking engagements, fundraising, blogging and growing new practice areas.
Use the newsletter to keep clients up - to - date on new practice areas, new employees, and your office location.
Virtually every law practice, big and small, has considered expanding their practice to include new practice areas at one point or another.
And sometimes, laws change and create entirely new practice areas, and lawyers want to get onboard, such as the rapid growth of marijuana law.
With freelance work being a relatively new practice area, the availability and coverage of malpractice insurance for freelance attorneys varies.
I get the best forms from my colleagues, but I wish I had an easier time finding mentors when I moved into a completely new practice area.
We have also added several new practice areas across numerous different countries.
Maybe your business has changed, maybe you've expanded into new practice areas or maybe you've found a message that resonates more effectively with your clients.
Is there talk of expanding it in new practice areas or letting you do more besides what we've already talked about?
They recently moved to larger offices and added new practice areas.
Feasibility Studies FRS has particular expertise in undertaking feasibility studies in relation to the launch of new practice areas for law firms.
Between launching new practice areas, announcing scholarships, and welcoming new associates, our clients have had a busy June.
However one's collection development policy can not remain static: lawyers join the firm, bringing new clients and new practices; they develop new practice areas; new areas of law develop (for example, clean energy).
Although Chambers has featured Canada in its Chambers Global directory since 2000, the new guide will see Chambers significantly expand its coverage to include new regional sections for Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec and Alberta, as well as new practice areas including agribusiness, investment funds, and sports law.
Having spent time working in such diverse practice areas as ERISA and asbestos litigation, I'm intrigued by the extent to which new legislation can create new practice areas for attorneys.
This enabled us to display the different practice group each lawyer belonged to on their profile pages, and have that Custom Field Template list automatically update when new practice areas pages were added to the site.
Allison has supported her clients in achieving success in a number of areas including: developing powerful rainmaking skills, launching profitable new practice areas and revitalising burned - out practices.
You don't necessarily need to quit your job, but consider new practice areas, taking a sabbatical, finding some work that adds meaning, or finding additional support.
That's right, you can now put «Madoff law» on the list with climate change and FDA regulatory issues as the hot new practice area for 2009.
Unfortunately, instead of trying to identify new practice areas or innovative ways to thrive in a downturn, many lawyers are running scared, paralyzed by panic.
The best way to think of new practice areas today is not so much within prescribed categories of law, but rather multi-area practices that will be called upon to service new businesses as they emerge and mature.
Laterals may also add value in terms of new client and or new practice area opportunities.
The firm's case results speak to this truth, and often wind up revealing new practice areas wherein the firm's skills and resources are needed to help people obtain justice.
Mirick O'Connell has been a leader in the legal community for more than 90 years and has pioneered new practice areas to meet the diverse needs of our clients.
Firms that gain new practice areas or departments through recruiting or mergers that are more complex and demanding (and typically more profitable) may see the focus, organization and resources of the firm shift dramatically towards those new departments.
But expanding into new practice areas isn't an impossible task.
This direction could result in far fewer lawyers, though some of the reduction may be offset by lawyers focusing on new practice areas (e.g., space law, drone law, IoT law).
«By facilitating co-counsel relationships with other practitioners, my firm size has doubled allowing us to market in new practice areas
Her thought leadership in her field which led to the development of new practice areas and more revenue
She also places partners at law firms in Texas, and has been involved in strategic growth initiatives for law firms when they have needed to develop new practice areas or merge with another firm.
As this is an entirely new practice area, Jim needs to formulate a strategy to develop business.
Lex Machina says that, to meet the needs of commercial litigators, today's release adds new practice area - specific tags and features, including:
It probably goes without saying, but when you expand your practice to include new practice areas, you are opening up your firm to the possibility of new business and new sources of revenue.
Law Firm Business Development helps lawyers and law firms analyze which practice areas are more profitable than others and develop strategic plans to create new practice areas.
After starting Young Mayden in 2007, Ken has been involved in many law firm strategic growth initiatives, including helping law firms merge as well as advising on whether and how to open new offices and launch new practice areas.
This can occur when a firm lands a large new client, recruits a new partner with a substantial book of business, opens a new practice area, or simply finds itself with more work than it can deal with in a timely manner.
«In industries that still present challenges in many segments, both 3E's product safety data and AER's solar and wind energy forecasting solutions have made successful forays into new practice areas and developed technologies that can help build a more sustainable economy and reduce environmental risk in multiple industries across the supply chain,» continued Ferrier.
Think about the new practice area that is being created with the advent of self - driving cars: out with DUI and in with AI failure.
If you are in investment mode (just took over another firm, have a new practice area, are moving into a new geographical region or demographic), it can go as high as 8 %.
A new practice area is sometimes required for survival.
Lawyers add many skills to their repertoire over the course of law practice, and sometimes a new practice area comes from learning a new skill.
But sometimes it is a new practice area that defines a lawyer's reinvention.
If your new practice area relates to a discrete law, your first stop should be the legislation itself.
Hissey Kientz LLP recently announced a new practice area for individuals suffering from side effects after taking the drugs Zetia and Vytorin.
You do not want to get caught not knowing a major case in your new practice area.
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