Sentences with phrase «new present»

The phrase "new present" refers to something that is giving or receiving as a gift, it means it's a newly given or received gift. Full definition
Giving during the holiday season means more than handing out shiny new presents to friends and family, it means giving back to your community.
I'm very attentive to what I see and what I have done and if something new presents itself I decide whether or not it is interesting.
Only through becoming as creation of new presents, i.e., new items in a partly new total past which is adequately preserved for all the future, in God, can there be the mixture of contingency and conditional necessity (necessary conditions but no fully necessary consequences) which is reality.
Barca still doing their shopping for new presents.
I'm not sure how most people are going to learn about the update (or future ones for that matter), but when they DO find out, it's almost like getting new presents!
When you finally stop gawping at your expensive new present to yourself and turn the thing on, you'll be hit by that rather splendid 4.3 - inch capacitive touchscreen.
Look ahead: The presents have been opened, wrapping thrown away, and for a few quiet hours you've been curled up reading the new
Jeff Franklin, the TV veteran who created Full House, and its more moderen revival Fuller House, has been fired from the brand new present within the wake of claims about inappropriate habits.
Most of the fans at the other clubs have now unwrapped their shiny new presents and had a look at their new «saviours» and «new dawn» players.
The present fades as a new present appears but phases of memory within that present are uncovered as if in a backward descent.
In its fundamental freedom — true not just for the becoming of each moment of the human consciousness but for all of creation — everything that emerges into a new present is not bound either by its past (fatalism) or by God (determinism).
It includes the actuality of the new present.
But no past is sufficient for the new present, and no past form of the self's being can be preserved unaltered.
Of course, as soon as it is past there is a new present.
They are past presents, because of the fact of being given to new presents.
In our struggles, Jesus is present always beckoning us to the New
Each individual creature receives its past from the other creatures of the world, and its future ultimately from God, and out of these creates a new present.
Usually a cookbook has a couple of recipes that really catch my eye, but I found with this one that with every page I turned, I had a new present to open in the form of an inspiring recipe.
The big names in football have all been unwrapping their new presents courtesy of EA Sports a little earlier than us, and there's been a few who have questioned the ratings.
Incorporating information from an earlier collaboration, this newest presents the latest research on how babies behave in the first weeks of life.
Plus, with their 2 - day FREE Prime Shipping, all of your new presents will get to you faster then it takes to load up your diaper bag!
It's important as an adoptive parent to balance that past with the child's new present and future.
Another recommendation I've seen is to immediately hide away some of the new presents, which aren't likely to be missed in the holiday pandemonium, and break them out months later when the kids need a thrill.
I have a new present for you!
Today I paired my fair isle sweater with my favorite new winter hat from Ann Taylor -LCB- comes in 3 different colors -RCB-, my all time favorite pair of leggings -LCB- similar styles here, here + here -RCB-, some Sole Society booties -LCB- old, but similar styles here, here + here -RCB-, and a new present to myself: THIS Loeffler Randall handbag which is currently on MAJOR SALE -LCB- also loving this style + and this style -RCB-.
The first day of the sale makes me feel like a kid on Christmas morning getting to see all of their new presents!
We saw several of these cast members reunite in 2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past, which featured members of both the original and prequel trilogies together, which also created a new present - day timeline that essentially wiped out events from the previous movies.
The pacing of the film reflects this, editor Marion Monnier not dwelling on the idea of closure; as the cuts mask a shift in time, we accept the new present, the new romance, the almost instant amnesia of previous love.
You still feel the glow of holiday cheer while you play with your new presents, but you also feel the rising guilt of how much money you spent to make others happy.
I really hope you all having a wonderful Christmas and enjoying time with your new presents and also getting in some much needed time with the family, however don't forget there is still always time to play some games and so this is where the Nintendo eShops come in for the Wii U and 3DS.
Basically, I made playing Christmas Nights a holiday event, treating it like the idea of getting a new present each year.
I really hope you all having a wonderful Christmas and enjoying time with your new presents and also getting in some much needed time with the family, however don't forget there is still always...
Gortner finds freedom and truth in this new presented order, the imagined «Dimensions Variable» of creation.
Speakers will explore how our understanding of the Modernist ideal of the new presents special kinds of challenges to conservators and curators as artworks age.
19 May — 8 August 2010 Collecting the New presents artworks recently acquired for IMMA's Collection and marks the first occasion that these works have been shown at the Museum as part of that Collection.
Eventually they get pitched in the garbage, since recycling won't take them, or stored pointlessly because it feels so wrong to throw away a brand - new present.
This morning, new present.
Then the next morning we'd rush downstairs to open all our new presents.
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