Sentences with phrase «new preventions»

The amount spent on medical expenses associated with the treatment and prevention of obesity in individuals should spur interest in increasing funding for research into new prevention options for childhood obesity.
As several of the speakers noted, scientific studies in the past few years have proved the value of potentially powerful new prevention tools.
The findings may help to identify new prevention and treatment strategies for the eating disorder in humans.
New prevention strategies, new diagnostic techniques, new medications and treatments.
MANHATTAN — The city is ratcheting up its efforts to curb bullying by dedicating $ 8 million for new prevention programs and making it easier for bullied students to transfer out of their schools, Department of Education officials announced Monday.
This research aims to expand our knowledge of living organisms in a bid to lay the foundation for new prevention strategies and novel therapeutics.
Knowledge of the genetic background of Alzheimer's disease is crucial for finding new prevention measures and treatments, and for understanding the cellular level mechanisms of the disease.
Achieving this requires ongoing evaluation of the efficacy and effectiveness of new prevention programs over many years as they are developed, evaluated, and implemented in routine practice.
Coordinate educational efforts on new prevention efforts to public professionals, including primary care providers, non-clinical providers, health organizations and associations, and community based agencies in all municipalities and high - incidence jurisdictions.
Giving medical research institutions access to anonymized daily activities of users and all of the information Facebook can easily gather could be a boon to discovering new prevention methods and other research.
«Our findings enhance knowledge of low back pain triggers and will assist the development of new prevention programs that can reduce suffering from this potentially disabling condition.»
Thanks to our work to fund important scientific research studies, we will find new preventions and treatments in the fight against pet cancer.
Lawmakers approved a package of bills at the end of the legislative session this month aimed at countering the addiction crisis, including measures aimed at making it easier to gain access to treatment and new prevention programs.
«One of the most common viruses in humans may promote breast cancer development: Findings could lead to new prevention strategies.»
Around 150 million people globally are chronically infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV)-- a major cause of liver disease and the fastest growing cause of liver transplantation and liver cancer.1 New prevention strategies are urgently required as people are continuing to be infected with HCV.
Their results, which appeared in BMC Systems Biology, demonstrate the utility of this approach to infectious disease research and offer new biological insights that may lead to new prevention and treatment strategies.
New antibiotics need to be developed and tested and new prevention and public health strategies developed, including for the rational use of antibiotics.
Before you start your new prevention for this season.
Alert is a new prevention program for home insurance policyholders.
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