Sentences with phrase «new query»

The phrase "new query" means a new question or inquiry. It suggests that someone wants to know or find out something they don't already know. Full definition
The AI technology comes into play as customers introduce new queries and to better refine the voice app's responses.
* Thinking about pressing send on that spankin» new query letter and opening pages email you've ben working on?
Agile Business Intelligence is the automation of different BI practices to help simplify how BI professionals can update information for new queries and projects.
Some authors (who've gotten NO positive responses from literary agents and / or hundreds of rejections) have written new Query Letters that Worked... resulting in full manuscript requests, representation offers from top literary agencies, and book deals with major publishers.
As we develop our conception of theology as a critical discipline, we have an opportunity to raise new queries about the relation between the descriptive and the normative, and between the critical and the moral dimensions of human understanding.
Follow her blog and Twitter for continued updates on new query contests, with full lists of each agent who is participating, and what sort of work they represent.
I'm waiting a bit to unleash mind - numbing horror on my crit partners by asking them to take another look at new query versions later.
Now — ta da — I have a brand new query!
It took until early this fall for me to find out through a fresh new query on Twitter, picked up by Lloyd Alter, a longtime environmental journalist based in Toronto.
The growing spotlight on Dark Data has accelerated the adoption of new analytic tools and techniques that empowers new age businesses like Apple and Google to not only query their data in a more efficient manner, but also develop new queries that have never been considered previously.
Perform quality control validation of existing SQL code and construct new queries for external reporting deliverables of the compliance department such as NMLS call reports, state exams, CFPB fair lending exams, and CFPB servicing transfer reports.
I'm attempting to expand my cache of freelance gigs right now by sending out new query letters.
and will be able to distinguish a response from a new query.
New query: My new son, almost six weeks old, has fallen into a rather good routine... in terms of the daytime.
After I started sending out my new query I had 6 literary agents request my manuscript in a short amount of time, which is awesome.
When I pitched the next day my new query was a hit.
From the bottom there's no way but up, so I went into warrior mode and wrote a new query letter and opening paragraph for my novel; entered two contests; and dissected a Flannery O'Connor story for a discussion group.
But the major change to the beginning of my novel, necessitated a new query.
During this last week, I wrote a new synopsis, a new query letter, a new first paragraph, a one - paragraph pitch for a contest at agent Nephele Tempest's blog, audio recorded and edited two novel chapters, and entered the Sandy Writing Contest.
As soon as I could, I sat down and wrote the new query in about twenty minutes.
Indie publishing is not the new query, in spite of high - profile instances of indie bestsellers being offered traditional publishing deals.
Indie publishing is not the new query.
When a rejection comes in send out a new query.
When I sent out my new query, I got four requests for more material within 24 hours The support Mark provides is fantastic.
The new query is the old query.
New query: 7.
To display your blog's most popular posts, you will first need to create a new query that gets the most commented posts; below, we're doing this, ordering them in descending order, and limiting the query to eight posts:
To display your blog's most popular posts, you will first need to create a new query that gets the most commented... more»
In the example below, we stored the new query in a variable called $ myCustomQuery.
In the example below, we stored the new query in a variable called $ newQuery; then, in each instance of the loop, we prefaced the function with $ newQuery - > (ie.
Unlike the previous example, it is necessary to tweak the Loop code to reference this new query.
The AI is dumb at first — you'll do all the heavy lifting for any new query.
Later, if another customer asks for a long - lasting mascara that lasts for more than 12 hours, the system has to adapt to this new query.
Siri, however, will start a new query.
The service lets developers dive in to the details of apps running on the Parse platform by making queries of logs with a new query language.
If you have any new queries pass them in the comment box, we will get back to you.
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