Sentences with phrase «new report released today»

New York, NY — As the school year comes to a close, a shocking new report released today by leading education reform organization StudentsFirstNY, The Graduation Facade: How New York City's Diploma Mills Mask College Readiness Crisis, exposes the problem of Diploma Mills — schools where the graduation rates are above average, but the students are not prepared for college or a career after high school.
Twelve new reports released today expose the State Policy Network (SPN), an $ 83 million web of right - wing «think tanks» in every state across the country.
Message: From GoLocalProv by GoLocalProv News Team: Rhode Island had the highest number of children living in poverty at 21.5 % in 2013, according to new report released today by Kids Count.
In a new report released today, the home - sharing website says that 3.3 million guest arrivals occurred at rural listings in the USA over the last year.
Spending control and greater reliance on their own revenues are more promising responses to provincial budget pressures than higher federal transfers, according to a new report released today by the...
In a new report released today for Sustainable Prosperity (a new research institute), Jack Mintz and Nancy Olewiler pitch a federal carbon tax constructed by broadening the base of the federal excise tax (which currently raises over $ 5 billion per year based on a tax of 10 cents per litre of gas and 4 cents -LSB-...]
New York, NY: A new report released today by the NYU Furman Center details strategies used by local governments to address rising housing costs and displacement of low - income households in gentrifying neighborhoods.
The Bank of Canada should focus monetary policy on inflation, not systemic risk, according to a new report released today by the C.D. Howe Institute.
Young people are increasingly concerned about the privacy of their personal information online and that their identities can be stolen through their use of social media, according to a new report released today by the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI).
Just 17 % of stroke patients in 2008 reached the stroke unit within four hours of their arrival at the hospital, according to a new report released today.
About 1.7 million Medicaid beneficiaries could be impacted by work requirement proposals in 10 states, according to a new report released today.
More than half of Scots and three - quarters of people from North West England are harmed by another person's drinking, according to a new report released today.
So says Guy Lodge, of the think tank IPPR, in a new report released today about the low turnout among young voters.
Modest improvements in the financial condition of some of New York's public schools are not keeping pace with growing needs among the students they serve, warns a new report released today by the New York State Council of School Superintendents.
A new report released today by a group of education advocates argues that allowing New York City to raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for Pre-K would benefit kids across the entire state.
A new report released today by the Back Boris campaign reveals the impact every family in London will face if Ken Livingstone was to win this May's mayoral election - # 348 in council tax increases, and an increase in the Congestion Charge.
A new report released today by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) may help dispel some common misconceptions about sport - related concussions in youth — for example, that wearing helmets can prevent them.
The rate of adults without health insurance across the U.S. dropped nearly twice as much as in Texas from 2013 to 2015, according to a new report released today by Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy and the Episcopal Health Foundation (EHF).
Three areas in Russia now have the highest rate of multi-drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis ever recorded, according to a new report released today by the World Health Organization.
Approximately 25 percent of Texans say they lack confidence in understanding some of the most basic terminology about health insurance plans, according to a new report released today by Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy and the Episcopal Health Foundation (EHF).
In a new report released today, the CDC found that a shocking 47 % of women are packing on too many pounds during pregnancy.
A new report released today suggests that many young people struggle with developing healthy romantic relationships and that rates of misogyny and sexual harassment among teens and young adults are alarmingly high.
The rapidly accelerating testing resistance and reform movement has made significant progress to reduce standardized exam «overkill» and win popular support across the U.S., according to a new report released today.
«The new report released today by the School Finance Research Collaborative is comprehensive in its analysis of funding needs at charter and traditional public schools, and it can be a tremendous resource for policymakers.»
GREENVILLE, NC (April 26, 2018)-- A new report released today by the Public School Forum of North Carolina and its NC Center for Afterschool Programs (NC CAP) highlights large areas of North Carolina where young people are at risk of not succeeding.
Summary: A new report released today by Making Caring Common, a project of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, takes a major step in trying to change the college admissions process to make it more humane, less super-human.
A new report released today by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) analyzes an unexpected finding from a recent charter school growth report: the rate of charter school growth is... Read More
Here are some highlights from two separate studies on charter schools that were released Tuesday: * Public charter schools generally receive less funding than traditional public schools, according to a new report released today, but most or all of these funding differences can be connected to the additional obligations that the traditional schools have.
Georgia Charter Schools Association (GCSA) is troubled by the new report released today by the NAACP Task Force on Quality Education.
A new report released today shows Utah's fourth and eighth grade students are ahead of the pack in science.
A new report released today by Global NCAP calls for minimum vehicle safety standards to be applied universally in all world markets.
A new report released today by CREATE - Research and commissioned by Principal Global Investors and the Principal Financial Group ® explores both product - based and guidance - based solutions to address gaps in the U.S. retirement system.
As California continues to face severe drought conditions, a new report released today by NRDC and the Pacific Institute tallies the huge potential to lower water use in virtually
A new report released today by Oil Change International exposes over $ 21 billion in fossil fuel production subsidies annually in the U.S. at the federal and state levels.
Corn is not a viable biofuel source, says a new report released today by Food & Water Watch, the Network for New Energy Choices, and the Vermont Law School Institute for Energy and the Environment.
WASHINGTON - Hundreds of whale products for sale on the Japanese website of Internet search engine company Yahoo! show how the California - based company profits from the venture, according to a new report released today that can be found by clicking here.
Nearly $ 1 trillion (# 700bn) is being invested in new coal - fired power plants worldwide despite the fact that the demand for electricity generated from coal has declined for two years in a row, shows a new report released today.
London, UK — If global food prices double then China could lose $ 161 billion in GDP and India could lose $ 49 billion, according to a new report released today by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Global Footprint Network.
A new report released today looks at what a HFC phase - down means for Africa, and the unique opportunity the continent has to move directly to sustainable low - or zero - Global Warming Potential (GWP) solutions and the associated economic growth, regulatory stability and positive societal change that comes with it.
A new report released today by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) identifies critical innovations in the US$ 300 + trillion global financial system, which, if brought to scale, could help close the widening sustainable development investment gap.
A new report released today by the Natural Resources Defense Council warns that smoke from wildfires poses health risks to people living far from the actual blaze.
The U.S. government is providing extensive support for fossil fuel production on public lands and waters offshore, through a combination of direct subsidies, enforcement loopholes, lax royalty collection, stagnant lease rates, and other advantages to the industry, a new report released today finds.
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