Sentences with phrase «new scientific opportunities»

«The intriguing interactions among the materials» micromechanical properties and various nonlinearities may provide new scientific opportunities to emulate the symbiotic interactions in biological systems,» Habtour said.
A key part of my role is to foster a two - way exchange of information between Scientific Operations, the Faculty teams, and our commercial customers - to identify new scientific opportunities and to improve customer satisfaction.
X-probe has explicit links to all of these large X-ray facilities and will thereby train the next generation of European scientists to exploit these facilities for new scientific opportunities.
«The intriguing interactions among the materials» micromechanical properties and various nonlinearities may provide new scientific opportunities to emulate the symbiotic interactions in biological systems,» Ed Habtour, PhD, an ARL researcher who specializes in nonlinear structural dynamics, said in a statement.
Leaders are particularly working to help South Africa's black population reap the new scientific opportunities, which have traditionally gone to the nation's privileged whites.
That's a big advantage for young scientists seeking a different working environment or new scientific opportunity.
«It's these «soft» skills that can open the door to new scientific opportunities
«With this system, we will have greater flexibility in the kinds of complex oxides we can grow, which in turn will create new scientific opportunities,» said Chambers.
Exploitation of the new scientific opportunities created by the changing technical landscape requires close interdisciplinary collaboration between structural biologists, physical chemists, beamline engineers, software developers, and industrial partners.
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