Sentences with phrase «new small schools»

The center also plans to work with school districts throughout the region to create as many as 20 new small schools over the next five years.
This was a robust discussion about the now 15 - year - old effort to break up large campuses and spur the creation of new small schools vested with greater autonomy from the district.
A 2013 study by MDRC found that students attending new small schools in New York graduated at a rate nearly 10 percentage points higher than did citywide peers with comparable backgrounds and learning needs.
Since 2002, we have replaced hundreds of failing schools with new small schools that provide New York City families with good options.
Yet, with increasing support for new small school design and innovation — fueled by teachers» professional autonomy — there is an opportunity to think differently about student data and the potential to capture student learning using measures that reflect the particular aims of new school designs.
Dropout statistics, disengaged youth, a poorly prepared workforce — all these factors have come together to create a flurry of activity around new small schools.
Most notably, the IBO only looked at students who remained enrolled in schools while they phased out, not those who benefited from being able to attend new small schools.
The Small Schools Project, part of the University of Washington's Center on Reinventing Public Education at the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs, supports new small schools in Washington state and nationwide.
The report offers qualified praise for the mayor's controversial Renaissance 2010 initiative, which seeks to replace low - performing schools over the next five years with 100 new small schools under a mix of governance arrangements, including charters.
A second report, Approaches of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Funded Intermediary Organizations to Structuring and Supporting Small High Schools in New York City, prepared by Policy Studies Associates, Inc., examines the roles of 18 intermediary organizations that were funded by the Gates Foundation to start and advise new small schools.
Unfortunately, this reform effort initially included a policy that allowed new small schools to exclude English Language Learners (ELLs), and many small schools still do not provide programs that ELLs need.
Success at Williams and at other new small schools that Mr. Duncan has started or strengthened, which include some 20 charter schools, emboldened him to draft Chicago's sweeping new plans for the 100 new schools, which are to open by 2010 and include 30 additional charters and another 30 new contract schools, created by private groups that sign five - year, renewable contracts with the district.
Berkeley High had launched four new small schools within the large school that were seeing gains in college readiness and matriculation for students of color, and we continue to support the school as its reform continues.
Much of the money from the Gates Foundation, the U.S. Department of Education, and groups such as the Carnegie Foundation is geared toward breaking down large high schools or starting new smaller schools.
Denver School of Innovation and Sustainable Design (DSISD)(Denver)- is a relatively new small school with a project - based philosophy around learning.
Mayor de Blasio only learned half the lesson — he should be supporting the creation of new small schools and charters rather than doubling down on the failed and expensive renewal model.
For all the activity and buzz in and around new small schools, only 10 percent of all high school students in the country have been affected by the reform efforts, according to Naomi Housman, executive director of the National High School Alliance.
In 2000, we drafted the New Small Autonomous Schools policy that was passed by the Oakland Board of Education, authorizing the creation of a network of 10 new small schools in Oakland Unified.
In the meantime, more recent policy initiatives — such as Mayor Daley's new «Renaissance 2010» plan, announced last summer, to close 60 low - performing schools and in their place create 100 new small schools, many of them charter and contract schools without union teachers or local school councils — seem to have replaced student retention as a focus of community concern and opposition.
«The new small schools actually only worked because we were making systemic changes,» says Cahill, to ensure «that teaching and learning, human resources, finance, facilities, accountability, procurement, partnerships would be coordinated and problems solved rather than going into the black hole of bureaucracy.»
Tom Vander Ark, who was the executive director of the Gates Foundation when it supported efforts to create small high schools, writes in Real Clear Education about why the new small schools are so much more effective than the larger schools they replaced.
A new report describes the New York City school system's efforts since 2002 to close large comprehensive high schools and replace them with 200 new small schools.
Released last week by the MDRC, a New York - based research group, the study finds that, by September 2007, the new small schools were serving almost as many students as the schools...
An estimated 1,500 new small schools have opened as part of the Gates Foundation initiative, and, thanks to additional private, federal, or local dollars, thousands more are springing up.
In the fall of 2003, a few weeks after announcing the funding for our new small schools, we launched our charter school initiative.
While the new small schools have various themes and educational philosophies, they share three objectives: to prepare their students for college; to ensure strong student - teacher relationships; and to combine learning with real - world examples both inside and outside the classroom.
In a break with past practices, the majority of the new small schools accepted students at all levels of academic proficiency and thus were open to those who would likely have attended the closed schools.
A third report, Small High Schools at Work: A Case Study of Six Gates - Funded Schools in New York City, from the Academy for Educational Development, takes a close look a handful of these new small schools, focusing on particular practices associated with student success: intermediary support, personal and academic support, effective instructional practices, and college preparation.
Supplemental Figure 1: Displays the locations of the new small schools created between the fall of 2002 and the fall of 2007.
It finds, among other things, that, by September 2007, the new small schools collectively served almost as many students as the closing schools had served in September 2002.
Simultaneously, many new schools that were intended to serve high school - age students came into being, including almost 200 new small schools.
Over half of the new small schools created between the fall of 2002 and the fall of 2008 were intended to serve students in some of the district's most disadvantaged communities and are located mainly in neighborhoods where large, failing high schools had been closed.
Not tinkering with a new small school design and leaving poverty intact.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has invested more than $ 250 million in grants nationwide to create new small schools and transform large ones.
We can and should keep trying to fix our conventional schools, but we should also step up our efforts to create new small schools that are different from traditional schools and different from each other.
The Big Picture Company is founder of The Met and currently creating 20 new small schools in eight sites across the country as part of the Gates Foundation's small schools initiative.
In the end, over 40 new small schools were created.
We created a new small school incubator that vetted proposals, trained teams in small school best practices, coached teams in collaboration with each other and their communities, and in 2006 we passed the incubator to district management.
If we'd continued in the vein of the new Small Schools Movement, that could have created the pressure to transform the school district sooner.
Acorn Woodland was a new small school we helped open in 2000 that has become high - performing school serving low - income students of color.
We received a $ 15.7 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to support design teams to plan and open their new small schools.
Thus, one of the first reforms undertaken was to phase out the 21 high schools that were graduating fewer than 45 % of students and replace them by opening 200 new small schools that would be planned and developed by teams of educators and community partners.
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