Sentences with phrase «new societal structures»

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Thus, the Jesus Movement was a «Counter-culture Movement» to transform the societal order from the structures of «old» to the «New Humanity».
However, for Crossan (and to some extent Borg) the Jesus of history was the center of a Galilean Camelot, the halcyon days when Jesus and his band roamed the countryside, disregarding societal structures, defying hierarchical patterns, irritating elites and confounding the powerful, creating a grass - roots movement with nobodies while at the same time refusing to be its leader or mediator of the New because that would be brokering the kingdom.
Despite this, the future of capitalism, as its past, will lead to new socio - economic consequences and the continued transformation of employment, modes of production and societal structure.
Today's «tweens» — young people ages 9 through 13 — face new challenges: increasing academic pressure; less stable societal structures; and a pop culture pushing sex, violence, and materialism.
The new works we are presenting in Hong Kong are a continuation of the themes Bradford has explored throughout his entire career, most prominently the concerns of marginalized people in an uncertain world and the distribution and representation of power within societal structures.
The new works presented in Hong Kong are a continuation of the themes Bradford has explored throughout his entire career, most prominently the distribution and representation of power within societal structures.
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