Sentences with phrase «new study in mice»

New studies in mice suggest that stem Leydig cell transplantation may represent an effective means to treat testosterone efficiency in humans
«In pursuit of pleasure, brain learns to hit the repeat button: New study in mice shows how the brain learns to reproduce patterns of brain activity that lead to reward; provides insights for treating addiction and obsessive - compulsive disorder.»
New study in mice reports that new brain cell formation is enhanced by running.»
A molecule best known for its involvement in pain perception also plays an important role in regulating body weight, according to new studies in mice by scientists at the Howard Hughes Medical...
New studies in mice suggest that blood platelets can destroy deadly malaria parasites.
New study in mice shows that hoarding salt in skin may boost the body's ability to fend off microbes
Four proteins that can transform adult cells into embryonic - like ones can also turn back the aging clock, a new study in mice suggests.
Two new studies in mice have found that viruses - including one that causes polio, and another that causes cancer - can exploit gut bacteria to infect our bodies.
Electronic cigarette vapors can trigger substantial inflammation in the lung, a new study in mice finds.
ORLANDO, Fla. — Weight gain may depend on how an individual's genes react to certain diets, a new study in mice suggests.
Inflammation in the gut helps bacterial viruses spread to other strains of bacteria and promotes their success, a new study in mice finds.
Now a new study in mice offers compelling evidence that strep can indeed affect the mind.
A new study in mice, published in Cerebral Cortex, identifies increased levels of a specific neurotransmitter as a contributing factor connecting traumatic brain injury (TBI) to post-traumatic epilepsy.
A new study in mice suggests otherwise, showing that moderate doses of fructose — a sugar found in honey and fruit as well as such corn syrup sweetened products as soda — are transformed in the small intestine.
Now a new study in mice suggests that the advice may have benefits beyond the operation itself: Extensive presurgical fasting appears to protect organs from postsurgical damage.
Immune cells in the lungs provide a rapid counterattack to bloodstream infections, a new study in mice finds.
Now, a new study in mice and worms supports a controversial hypothesis that the plaques may not be all bad.
Now, a new study in mice shows how a gene, called FOXP2, implicated in a language disorder may have changed between humans and chimps to make learning to speak possible — or at least a little easier.
In the new study in mice, researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center found that nerve cells dedicated to hearing also rely on surrounding context to properly interpret and react to familiar sounds.
Now, a new study in mice shows that females vaccinated before pregnancy and infected with Zika virus while pregnant bear pups who show no trace of the virus.
A new study in mice shows that females vaccinated before pregnancy and infected with Zika virus while pregnant bear pups who show no trace of the virus.
Chemicals found in a variety of routinely used consumer products may be contributing to the substantial drop in sperm counts and sperm quality among men in recent decades, a new study in mice suggests.
A new study in mice from UT Southwestern's O'Donnell Brain Institute shows that turning on a gene inside cells called astrocytes results in a smaller scar and — potentially — a more effective recovery from injury.
A VIRAL TRIGGER A reovirus (illustrated here) may jump - start celiac disease by turning the immune system against gluten, a new study in mice suggests.
A new study in mice published in The Journal of Neuroscience details a potential therapeutic strategy that uses stem cells to promote recovery of motor activity after spinal cord injury.
But a new study in mice suggests that Zika infection also may have worrisome consequences for men that interfere with their ability to have children.
A new study in mice suggests the age of a mother's womb may also have a part to play.
Obesity may be tougher on male immune systems than females, a new study in mice at the University of Michigan Medical School suggests.
Now, a new study in mice hints at another reason why breast - feeding the second baby could be easier: Our bodies seem to remember how to make milk.
During gestation, a mother's microbiome shapes the immune system of her offspring, a new study in mice suggests.
Our lungs are A-list stars at detecting oxygen, but a new study in mice suggests that the skin may be a key supporting actor.
A new study in mice shows that a mother's immune system calls on a special set of cells to protect her growing fetus — and these cells linger long after birth to ease the way for a subsequent pregnancy.
A new study in mice, conducted by researchers at Sweden's Karolinska Institutet together with colleagues in Singapore and the United States, shows that our natural gut - residing microbes can influence the integrity of the blood - brain barrier, which protects the brain from harmful substances in the blood.
The social impairments and high anxiety seen in people with autism or related disorders may be partly due to a disruption in the nerves of the skin that sense touch, a new study in mice suggests.
Broadly suppressing the immune system after lung transplantation may inadvertently encourage organ rejection, according to a new study in mice.
The mystery chemical messenger, a new study in mice shows, is one usually associated with mood — serotonin.
In a new study in mice, researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden show that exercise training induces changes in skeletal muscle that can purge the blood of a substance that accumulates during stress, and is harmful to the brain.
A new study in mice reveals that a body chemical related to a compound in marijuana may complicate pregnancy if present in excessive amounts.
Now a new study in mice shows that through a similar mechanism, calorie restriction may also slow or prevent Alzheimer's disease.
A new study in mice shows that without seminal fluid, fertility decreases.
Now, a new study in mice shows that we may be able to modify DNA to help us treat painful memories no matter how old they are.
In a new study in mice published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, scientists at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University (HNRCA) set out to determine if excess folic acid intake caused adverse changes in the immune system.
A new study in mice, however, suggests other possibilities — some of which could dramatically alter our notions of inheritance.
Now, a new study in mice suggests eye drops made with a naturally occurring steroid could reverse cataracts by teasing apart the protein clumps.
«Newborns get infection protection, not just digestion, from gut bacteria, new study in mice shows.»
NOSE GUARD Following a bout of the flu, the nose makes specialized immune cells that can protect against the illness, a new study in mice suggests.
The antidepressant fluoxetine causes bone loss by instructing the brain to send out signals that increase bone breakdown, but a beta - blocker can intercept the signals, a new study in mice has found.
Bethesda, Md. (March 20, 2018)-- Minoxidil, a popular drug used on the scalp to treat hair loss, might improve blood flow to the brain, lower blood pressure and increase elasticity in the blood vessels if taken in an oral form, according to a new study in mice.
New studies in mice have shown that immature stem cells that proliferate to form brain tissues can function for at least a year — most of the life span of a mouse — and give rise to multiple types of...
But symptoms and the time it takes to recover can differ depending on whether the patient is male or female, a new study in mice shows.
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